Named scholarships & funds
When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.
For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.
Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.
If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.
To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
This is not the page to apply for scholarships.
Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.
The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Search for a Named Scholarship
- B-26 Marauder Archives Fund
- Babcock & Wilcox Company Scholarships
- Babcox, Becky Endowed Scholarship in the School of Nursing
- Babcox, Edward S. Political Science Book Award
- Babcox, Edward Spencer Scholarship Fund
- Badger, Gertrude Elementary Education Scholarship
- Bain, Dr. Roger J. Memorial Award in Geosciences
- Baird, Judge William and Patricia Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Baker, Deming E. Memorial Scholarship in Polymer Science
- Baker, Dr. David Fellowship in the History of Psychology
- Baker, James H. Endowed Fund
- Baker, Lieutenant Colonel Addison E. Memorial Scholarship
- Baker, Royce R. and Kathryn McCormick Baker Endowment Fund
- Baker, William T. Family Scholarship
- Baldo, Dr. Frank V. Endowed Scholarship
- Baldwin III, Summerfield Scholarship
- Baldwin, Ward Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Ballard, John S. Endowed Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies Travel Fund
- Bambakidis, Nicholas C. Scholarship
- Banda Prize
- Banda, A. Frederic Scholarship Fund
- Banks, Kenneth E. and June Blackburn, Phi Sigma Kappa Scholarship
- Baranowski, Edwin Michael and Shelley Osmun Endowed Scholarship for History
- Barker, Beverly W. Scholarship in Music
- Barker, H. Kenneth Center for Economic Education Endowment
- Barker, Leslie Ann Barker Special Education Scholarship
- Barnett, Joyce W. and James W. Barnett Memorial Scholarship in International Business
- Barone Family Scholarship for University of Akron Baseball
- Barrett, Tom H. Goodyear European Region Scholarship
- Bartley, Dr. Alise G. and David W. Endowed Scholarship for Women in the College of Engineering
- Barton, Charles R. and Janice L. Scholarship for Students in the Graduate Nurse Anesthesia Program
- BASF Corporation Fellowship in Chemical Engineering
- Basora, Ryan C. Endowed Memorial Scholarship in the School of Communication
- Bauer, Carl H. and Dorothy S. Scholarship Fund
- Baxter, Judge Randolph Scholarship
- Bean, Gregory R. Scholarship for Emerging Leaders
- Beasley, Robert and Emily Scholarship Fund
- Becker CPA Review Scholarship in Accounting
- Becker, William C. Memorial Scholarship
- Beckett, William Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
- BECOME Scholarship
- Belfance, Kathryn A. Scholarship Fund
- Belgya, Mark R. and Beverly E. Faculty Research Fund
- Belgya, Mark R. and Beverly E. Cap & Gown Scholarship
- Belgya, Mark R. and Beverly E. Professional Development Program Fund
- Bell, Honorable Sam H. ('52) Fund for Advancement of Legal Advocacy
- Benner, Kenneth H. Scholarship in Engineering
- Bennett, Bob Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Berman, Joseph and Lynda Fellowship – Emily Davis Gallery Collections Management Project
- Bernard, Adam Endowed Fund for Artistic Merit
- Bernard-Dean Scholarship in Family and Child Development
- Bernat Family Endowed Fellowship
- Berns, Clara and Herb Berns Spirit of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ Marching Bands Endowment
- Berns, Mary Walsh Endowment
- Bernstein, Martha Endowed Scholarship
- Berry, Edna Cornelia Endowed Nursing Scholarship
- Berry, James R. and Phyllis C. "Zippy" Endowed Scholarship
- Berry, Loren M. Endowment for The Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics
- Bersani, Dr. Carl A. and Carol A. Endowed Scholarship
- Berthelot Business Scholarship for Excellence
- Berzon, Samuel A. Educational Fund
- Besch, The Thomas Michael Chief Warrant Officer (CW4), USA Retired "Armed Services Personnel Endowed Scholarship in Surveying, Mapping, and Geographic Information Systems"
- Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Endowed Scholarship
- Bevan, Thomas W. Scholarship
- Beverly, Mary Louise Scholarship
- Bevilacqua, Frank P. and Marie Endowed Scholarship in Accounting
- Bevilacqua, Frank P. and Marie Endowed Scholarship in Education
- Beyer, Dr. Kimberly A. and Delores S. Beyer Scholarship in Education
- Beyer, Dr. William H. and Delores S. Beyer Scholarship for Veterans in Mathematics
- Beyer, William H. Statistics Scholarship
- Bidwell Photography Residency
- Bierce, Bruce W. "Scotty" Athletic Scholarship Fund
- Biomedical Engineering Retention Fund
- Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship
- Bittle Residency in Jazz Endowment Fund
- Bittle, Edward L. and Francis Yates Scholarship
- Bittle, Edward L. Family Scholarship
- Bittner, Charles (Chick) and Marie C. Advanced Hearing Technology and Therapy Endowment Fund
- Bittner, Sharon Lorson Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Black Law Students Association (BLSA) Scholarship Fund
- Black Professional Association Scholarship Fund
- Black, Sharon L. Law Student Family Scholarship Fund
- Blair Family Foundation Veterans Emergency Fund
- Blaser, Robert U. Family Endowed Scholarship
- Bliss, Ellen P. Teaching Scholarship Fund
- Bliss, Ellen Palmer Internships in Applied Politics
- Bliss, Ray C. and Ellen P. Political Science Scholarship Fund
- Bloomfield, Ruth K. and Loyd S. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Bluecoats, Inc. of Summit County Scholarship
- Board of Trustees Scholarship
- Bober & Markey Scholarship
- Bodiford, David W. and Donna M. Scholarship in Accounting
- Bodurow, Eleanor Christoff Award
- Boggs, Paul T. and Judith E. Endowment Fund
- Bogue Rowan Student Program Endowment
- Bolinger, Clyde Howard & Jean Ann Gravesmill Bolinger Undergraduate Scholarship
- Bonner, Jane D’arcy Scholarship in Business
- Bonstelle, Dr. Charles T. and Sandra J. Endowed Scholarship
- Botzum, Thomas W. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Bouch, Scott Gerard Memorial Scholarship
- Boughton, Emma W. Scholarship Fund
- Bowen Jr., Dr. Charles V. Memorial Scholarship
- Bowers-Sawyer, Claudia J. Scholarship in Family Studies
- Boyd, George M. and Connie R. Scholarship Fund
- Boyer, Virginia Sabo Endowed Honors Scholarship
- Boyes, James D. and Mary Jo Scholarship in Athletics
- Boyle, Martha E. Scholarship Fund
- Bozeman, Owen C. Endowed Scholarship Fund in Psychology
- Bozzelli, Madeline Scholarship
- BP Corrosion & Reliability Award
- BP Corrosion Student Resources Grant at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ College of Engineering
- Brashares, C. Robert Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Music
- Brashares, Jeffrey R. Endowed Scholarship
- Brashares-Ash Family Endowed Scholarship
- Braun, Dr. Minel "Jack" Endowed Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
- Breittholz, Brian E. Order of Omega Endowed Scholarship
- Brennan, David L. Endowed Chair of Law
- Brennan, Manna & Diamond, LLC Endowed Scholarship
- Brenneman, Aubrey McDonald and Judith McDonald Barnes Endowed Fund for The H. Kenneth Barker Center for Economic Education
- Brenneman, Aubrey McDonald Endowed Fund for The H. Kenneth Barker Center for Economic Education
- Brenneman, Honorable and Mrs. Myron T. Internship
- Brewster Book and Scholarship Fund
- Brewster Jr., Evan B. Scholarship Fund
- Brewster, Attorney Evan B. School of Law Scholarship Fund
- Brewster, Mrs. Margaret (Zink) Scholarship in International Business
- Brewster, Thomas A. Scholarship Fund
- Bridge Scholarships Fund
- Bridgestone/Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Fellowship
- Briggs, Carol M. Scholarship
- Briner, Catanzarite & Rakas School of Law Taxation Scholarship
- Britsch, Donald T. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Brittain, Thomas Memorial Fund
- Brodbeck, Carol A. Nursing Scholarship
- Brooks, Helen and Curtis, Sr. Music Scholarship
- Brown, Chalmers Endowment Fund in Civil Engineering
- Brown, Enslen C. and Helen L. Scholarship Fund
- Brownbread, Esq., Jedediah Award
- Browne, Roy E. Internship
- Bruggemeier, George L. Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
- Brunswick/Sigrist Endowed Scholarship
- Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Scholarship
- Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Student Scholarship Fund
- Buckeye State Credit Union Scholarship for Adult Students
- Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC Endowed Scholarship
- Buckingham, Lisle M. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Buckingham, Lisle M. Resident Fellows
- Buckingham, Lisle M. Scholarships
- Buckingham, Mildred Heter Memorial Scholarship
- Buckingham, Ruth Heter Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Buckmaster, Leland Stanford Scholarship
- Buenafe, M.D., J.D., Colonel Felicisimo N. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Buffe Family Scholarship in Social Work
- Bulger, Ph.D., Charles E. and Esgar Bowen Foltz, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
- Bunnell, Robert L. and Debra A. Scholarship
- Burford, Arthur E. Endowed Scholarship
- Burg, H. Peter Personal Leadership and Development Speaker Series
- Burg, H. Peter Scholarship Fund
- Burger Iron Company Scholarship Fund
- Burgner Memorial Medical Scholarship
- Burkett, Esther G. Scholarship/Teacher Fund
- Burkins, Kenneth Fahs Endowed Scholarship
- Burns, Selma R. Scholarship
- Buser Jr., Leonard E. and Chris M. Buser Scholarship Fund
- Business Professionals Scholarship for the School of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Busson Family Endowed Engineering Scholarship
- Byers, Thomas G. Memorial Fund