Named scholarships & funds
When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.
For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.
Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.
If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.
To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
This is not the page to apply for scholarships.
Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.
The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Search for a Named Scholarship
- MacCracken, Alan L. Scholarship Fund
- MacDonald, Levi A. Memorial Fund in Civil Engineering
- MacGrego, Dr. Ian R. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Macior, Alice and Walter Graduate Scholarship in Botany and Plant Sciences
- Macior, Lazarus Walter Graduate Scholarship in Botany and Plant Sciences
- Mack, Curtis L. Endowed Scholarship
- Mack, Honorable Monte E. Endowed Trial Advocacy Fund
- Macko, Josephine Ann and Joseph Simon Scholarship
- Macro-Davis Joint Degree Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Madden, Donna L. Madden Scholarship
- Maffei Educational Fund
- Maimone, Daniel Joseph Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Makam, Raj and Archana Endowed Scholarship
- Mallo Family Endowed Scholarship for Green High School
- Maltarich Jr., Peggy and Bill Endowed Business Scholarship in Excellence
- Malyuk Scholarship for Home-Schooled Students
- Management Advisory Board Scholarship
- Manges, Michael J. Memorial Scholarship
- Mansager, Felix N. Free Enterprise Scholarship
- Mansfield, D. Bruce Lecture Series
- Marchese, Joseph J. Education Scholarship
- Marcinkoski, Frank J. Endowed Scholarship
- Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation Endowed Directorship for The Archives of the History of American Psychology
- Marhevsky, Andrew M. and Connie Race Endowed Scholarship in Education
- Marini String Quartet Residency Program
- Marquardt, Wendy M. Scholarship in Communication
- Marquette, Penny Scholarship Fund
- Martell, Honorable Donald H. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Martin, Dorothy Garrett Memorial Delta Gamma Lectureship on Values and Ethics
- Martin, Dorothy Garrett Memorial Scholarship Fund in History
- Martin, Dorothy Garrett Scholarship for Eta Chapter of Delta Gamma
- Martin, Dr. Paul E. and Dorothy Garrett Campus Enhancement Endowed Fund
- Martin, Dr. Paul E. Endowed Chair for Conflict Management
- Martin, Dr. Paul E. Endowment for Conflict Management
- Martin, Dr. Paul E. Graduate Fellowships in History
- Martin, Dr. Paul E. Scholarship for Conflict Management
- Martin, Frederick W. Scholarship for Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Theta
- Martin, Paul E. Legacy Fund
- Martin, Paul E. Scholarship
- Martin, Paul E. Scholarship for Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Theta
- Martin, William and Dora History Endowment Scholarship
- Materials Performance Projects Resources Fund
- Mathews, George W. Scholarship Fund
- Matthew 25:31-46 Scholarship Fund
- Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science
- Mavrides, William A. Scholarship
- Maxey, Walter E. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Maxwell, Dr. Mary E. Endowed Memorial Scholarship
- Mayes, William Glenn and Grace S. Endowment Fund
- Mayes, William Glenn and Grace S. Scholarship
- Maynard Foundation Accommodation and Meal Award Fund
- McCarragher, Eugene Endowed Scholarship
- McCarthy, Esquire, Craig M. Memorial Scholarship
- McCausland, James P. Endowment
- McClellan, Ernest E. and Lois M. Endowed Scholarship
- McClelland, Dr. Charles Alexander Endowed Scholarship
- McClish, Richard R. and Debra Endowed Scholarship
- McCormick Jr., Alberta and E.C. Educational Fund for Business Administration
- McCready, James P. Family Foundation Golf Scholarship
- McCreery, Dawn and Wendy Offredo Alpha Delta Pi Memorial Award
- McDonald, Aubrey Scholarship
- McDowell Jr., Beatrice and C. Blake Endowed Fund
- McDowell Jr., C. Blake Professorship (Civil Procedure)
- McDowell Jr., C. Blake Professorship (Constitutional Law)
- McDowell Jr., C. Blake Professorship (Property and Environmental Law)
- McDowell Jr., C. Blake Professorship (Tax)
- McDowell Jr., C. Blake Professorship (Torts)
- McDowell Sr., C. Blake Fund
- McDowell Sr., C. Blake Scholarship
- McDowell, Mary Percoco Scholarship
- McFadden, Cora M. Scholarship Fund
- McGrath, Marna Darst Endowed Scholarship in Social Sciences
- McKee, J. E. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- McKinney, Cheryl A. Women in Engineering Scholarship Endowment
- McKinnon, Professor Stewart and Grace Scholarship and Loan Fund
- McMinn, Robert and Janet Scholarship
- McMorrow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Nursing Scholarship
- McQuay, Thomas E. and Connie J. Endowed Scholarship
- Meaden & Moore Ltd. Scholarship
- Mears Group Inc. and NACE International Foundation Scholarship for Corrosion and Reliability Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Advisory Council Endowed Scholarship
- Mechanical Engineering Advisory Council Gift Fund
- Medical Mutual of Ohio Scholarship Fund
- Medoff, Alexander and Lillian Memorial Piano Performance Scholarship
- Menendez, M. Norman Scholarship Fund
- Menendez, Norman Credit Union Scholarship Fund
- Men’s Basketball Student-Athlete Fund
- Mercer, Robert E. Goodyear North American Region Scholarship
- Mercury Plastics Scholarship
- Mestel, Sanders J. Legal Scholarship Fund
- Metzger, Lynn Rodeman Endowed Curatorship in Anthropology
- Meyer, Henry W. and Ruth G. Endowment
- Meyer, Robert C. Endowed Scholarship
- Meyers, Robert A. and Jean C. Family Fund for the Ray C. Bliss Institute
- Michalec, Andrew M. Endowed Scholarship in Jazz Studies
- Migdal, Kerry Memorial Scholarship
- Miles-Thompson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Milk, Robert and Marjorie Scholarship in Mechanical Polymer Engineering
- Millar, James A. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Miller, Ava Marie Memorial Scholarship
- Miller, Gary L. and Georgia Nix Endowed Scholarship
- Miller, James H. ‘52 and Eva Scholarship Fund
- Miller, John Eric Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Miller, Joseph G. and Sally A. Endowed Fund
- Miller, Sally A. and Joseph G. Family Foundation Endowed Diversity Fund
- Mills, Ron Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Mills, W. Paul and Thora J. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Minc, Janet Barnett and David C. Endowed Scholarship
- Minson, Art Endowed Memorial Scholarship
- Mitchell, Edith Delaney Endowed Scholarship
- Mitten, Robert and Hellen Scholarship Fund for Marketing Students
- Mizer, Dorothy A. Endowed Scholarship
- Mollenkopf, Huber L. and Virginia Scholarship for Excellence in Accounting
- Mollenkopf, Virginia Scholarship Fund
- Montenyohl, Victor I. Scholarship
- Moore, Charles E. and V. Maxine Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
- Moore, Charles E. and V. Maxine Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Moore, Dr. Linda L. Endowed Scholarship Fund in Fine and Applied Arts
- Moore, Ron and Terri Family Endowed Scholarship in Education
- Moorefield, Robert G. and Kathleen K. Endowment
- Morgan, Kimberly Accounting Scholarship for Excellence
- Morgan, Stanley L. and Eloise M. Endowed Percussion Scholarship
- Morgoch, Earl D. Endowed Scholarship
- Morrison Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
- Morrison, Robert R. Endowed Scholarship for Excellence in Business
- Morton, Dr. Harold A. Professorship in Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
- Morton, Maurice Fund for Graduate Studies
- Moss, P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship in the College of Fine and Applied Arts for a Special Education Student
- Mossor, Julia and William Scholarship
- Mostardi Family Fund
- Mostenic, Mary Award for Composition
- Motz, Elizabeth Clemmer Endowment in Nutrition/Dietetics
- Mowdood, Ph.D., Syed K. Endowed Award in Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
- Moyer, Dr. Frederick W. Chair in Finance
- Mudry, Dr. Karen M. Achievement Awards for the Biomedical Engineering Talk and Poster Competitions
- Muehlstein, Herman Fund for Scholarship Aid
- Muehlstein, Julius Scholarship Fund
- Mugford, Eldred George, in Memory of Clare Helen Mugford, RN, Scholarship Fund
- Mugler, Dr. Dale H. Honors Research Fund
- Murdoch, Katie Memorial Scholarship
- Murphy Jr., Dr. William R. Endowed Scholarship
- Murphy-Victor, Fern Endowed Scholarship
- Musson Veterans Lounge Endowed Fund
- Musson, R. C. and Katharine Endowment Fund in the College of Business Administration
- Musson, R. C. and Katharine Scholarship Fund for Nursing Students
- Musson, R.C. and Katharine M. Musson Charitable Foundation Scholarship for Veterans
- Musson, Robert C. Eminent Scholar Chair in Polymer Science
- Myers, George J. Golf Scholarship
- Myers, Isidore C. and Penny W. Endowment Fund
- Myers, Mary and Louis S. Endowed Scholarship in Art
- Myers, Mary and Louis S. Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Myers, Mary S. and Louis S. Endowed Dance Scholarship
- Myers, Mary Schiller Lecture Series
- Myers-Hesse, Lois and Reverend Victor A. Myers Student Enhancement Learning Fund
- Mytenka, Russell Endowed Memorial Violin Scholarship