Named scholarships & funds
When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.
For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.
Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.
If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.
To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
This is not the page to apply for scholarships.
Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.
The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Search for a Named Scholarship
- Waddell, David E. and Barbara Internship in Applied Politics
- Wagner, Bruce B. and Candace M. Scholarship in Disaster Science & Emergency Services
- Wagner, Candace M. and Bruce B. Scholarship in Business Leadership
- Wagstaff, Dr. H. Reid and Susan Smucker Scholarship
- Wahl, Frank A. "Whitey" Athletic Scholarship
- Waklatsi Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Walcott, Betty Gill and Donald P. Walcott Endowed Scholarship
- Waldman, Jr., Richard L. Scholarship Fund
- Waldman, Sr., Richard L. Scholarship Fund
- Waldman, William C. Scholarship in Art
- Walker, Cora and Sidney Scholarship Fund
- Walkerly Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Wallace, Verna A. and Boyd R. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Wallace, Wentz Scholarship Fund
- Wallen, Daniel Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Wallenfeldt, Dave Endowed Scholarship
- Waltermire, Emma Barack Scholarship in Education
- Walzer, William A. and Mildred C. Scholarship Fund
- Walzer, William A. Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Wang, Siming-Baomei Zhao Student Enrichment Fund
- Wardman, Catherine J. Endowed College of Education Scholarship for Women's Physical Education
- Wardman, Palmer W. Endowed Fund
- Warner, Eugene C. Warner Engineering Scholarship Fund
- Wassem, Hugo and Martha (HMW) Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
- Wayne College Academic Achievement Scholarship
- Wayne College Community Scholarships
- Wayne College Dean's Endowment Fund
- Wayne College Founders Scholarships
- Wayne College Founders Scholarships – GED Category
- Wayne College Technology Endowment Fund
- We Rise Together Scholarship
- Webb, James R. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Webner, W. Mack and Corinne Endowed Moot Court Competition Team Fund
- Webner, W. Mack Intellectual Property Adjunct Professorship Fund
- Weed, Robert D. and Peggy A. Scholarship for Excellence in Business
- Weems, Brenda M. Lewis Health Profession Scholarship
- Weigand, Rose Mary Endowed Scholarship
- Wells Jr., Denise G. and Norman E. Family Gift Fund for College of Engineering Student Assistance and Scholarships
- Wells, Hoyt M. and Merdith Graduate Fellowship in Polymer Science
- Wells, Hoyt M. and Merdith Scholarship in Engineering Fund
- Welty, Jerry and Emily Scholarship in Construction Technology
- Weltzien, Dr. Joan and Mr. Michael Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
- West Side Leader Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Garey I. Samuelson
- West, Henrietta S. Memorial Scholarship for Presidential and Honors Scholarship Programs
- Westfield Insurance Scholarship in Risk Management and Insurance
- Weyrick, Dean Robert C. Endowment
- Whims, Kristen Leigh Endowed Scholarship
- Whitaker, Faye Smith Education Scholarship Endowment
- White, Emy Memorial Book Loan Fund
- White, Jeanette Memorial Scholarship
- White, Judge Harold and Jeannette Scholarship
- White, Rachel M. Endowed Scholarship Fund for Children
- White, Reginald Memorial Scholarship
- Whitmer, Marnie Endowed Student Scholarship
- Whitt, Mark A. Scholarship Fund
- Whittaker, Nellie Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Wicks, Gladys Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Wielopolski, Rick Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
- Wilkes Energy Inc. Fellowship in Geology
- Wilkes Family Women's Soccer Scholarship
- Wilkinson Gudikunst Scholarship Fund
- Wilkinson, George B., David H., and Ruth I. Scholarship Fund
- Wilkinson, George E. Scholarship Fund
- Wilkinson, Ruth I. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Will-Burt Scholarship
- Williams ’89, Lynda Harvey Scholarship Fund
- Williams, Dr. Delmus Endowed Award
- Williams, Gary B. and Pamela S. Endowed Lecture Series in Biology
- Williams, Gary B. and Pamela S. Endowed Scholarship for Williams Honors College Students
- Williams, Gary B. and Pamela S. Endowment for the Williams Honors College
- Williams, Honorable James R. and Catherine D. Scholarship
- Williams, Max W. Memorial Scholarship
- Williams, T. Henry Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Williams, Thomas B. P. Scholarship
- Williams, Wallace T. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Williamson, David and Mary Kathryn Rose Endowed Scholarship in the School of Music
- Williamson, Robert O. and Gwen L. Scholarship for Excellence
- Wilson '48, Nancy Swartz Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Wilson III, Dr. Charles W. Memorial Scholarship in Physics
- Wilson III, Louis Russell Memorial Scholarship
- Wilson Jr., Alfred W. Gerontology Nursing Scholarship
- Wilson, G. E. and M. P. Wilson Award
- Wilson, George L. and Jennifer Family Scholarship in Business
- Wilson, Ross E. and Helena M. Memorial Fund
- Wilson, Virginia E. and Dr. Sharon A. Lesner Graduate Professional Fellowship for Students with Hearing Impairment
- Wilson, Virginia E. Assistive Listening Device Center Endowment
- Wilson, Virginia E. Fellowship
- Wise, Robert L. Endowed Scholarship in the College of Fine and Applied Arts and the College of Education
- WITAN President's Scholarship Program
- Witters, Darrel and Jean Music Scholarship Fund
- Wolfe, Dr. Alvin C. Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry
- Woll, Alan and Janice Endowment for Zips in Need
- Women in Engineering Endowed Scholarship
- Women in Philanthropy Endowed Fund
- Women's Committee of the University of Akron International College Ambassador Award
- Women’s Auxiliary of the Akron District Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship
- Wootton, Debora Lee Memorial Scholarship in Surveying and Mapping
- Wraithwood Award
- Wray, Ronald S. and Lisa Kaye Endowment
- Wright Scholarship for Students
- Wright, Rosemary Titmas Scholarship Fund
- Wright, W. Richard Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Wright, W. Richard Internship