Named scholarships & funds
When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.
For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.
Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.
If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.
To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
This is not the page to apply for scholarships.
Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.
The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Search for a Named Scholarship
- S.T.R.I.V.E. Scholarship
- Sabatino, Donald and La Von Scholarship
- Sacks, Judge and Mrs. Charles Scholarship
- Sacks, Morris Scholarships
- Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Annual Scholarship
- Salem, Charles T. Scholarship
- Samad, Stanley A. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. Award
- Sanders, Raymond E. Research Scholarship
- Sarkar, Mona Endowed Scholarship in Accounting
- Sarkar, Mona Endowed Scholarship in Law
- Savarise, Jeffery and Rene Endowed Scholarship
- Sayers, Jeremy and Kristen Endowed Scholarship in English
- Scala Family Endowed Scholarship for Men’s Basketball
- Scala Family Endowed Scholarship for Women’s Golf
- Scarpitti, Paul S. Football Scholarship
- Scatterday, Blin B. Scholarship
- Schaller, Georgina H. International Business Scholarship for Excellence
- Schellin, Frank H. and Dorothy J. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Schidel, Thomas R. Scholarship Fund in Engineering
- Schier, Richard R. and Lela M. Endowed Scholarship
- Schill, Eloise Marie Endowment for the College of Nursing Learning Resources Center
- Schmidt, Dr. Robert Endowed Scholarship in Sociology
- Schmucker, Leroy L. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Schoeppner, Staci Ann Memorial Scholarship in Accounting
- Scholarship for Akron Baseball Student-Athletes
- Scholarship for First-Generation Engineering Students
- Scholarship for Inclusion and Diversity at Wayne College
- School of Education Unrestricted Endowment
- School of Law Alumni Association Endowed Fund
- School of Law Corporate Law Scholarship
- School of Law Dean’s Club Scholarships
- School of Law Development Fund
- School of Music Alumni Scholarship
- Schraer, Barbara A. Endowed Scholarship in the School of Music
- Schroeder, Harold H. and Pauline F. Endowment Scholarship Fund
- Schuldiner, Aaron "Max" Holocaust Essay Award
- Schulman, Alex Eminent Scholar Chair in Polymer Science
- Schulman, Alex Endowment Fund
- Schulman, Alex Scholarship Fund
- Schumacher, Sherman O. and Mary E. Scholarship Fund
- Schwaber, Alena and Dr. David M. Endowed Scholarship
- Schwarz, Dr. Karen A. and Dr. Charles J. Endowed Scholarship
- Schwarzinger, Karl Family Basketball Scholarship
- Schwerin Family Endowed Fund for Education Majors
- Scott, Dr. Gwendolyn Lutz Scholarship
- Sebring Jr., Gerald W. ’53 and Elizabeth A. ’52 Scholarship
- Seiberling, John F. Chair in Constitutional Law
- Seiberling, John F. Scholarship for Conflict Resolution Studies
- Seide, PhD, Rochelle K. Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition Team Endowment Fund
- Seidel ’95, Mary Z. Scholarship Fund
- Selby, Dr. Samuel M. Memorial Scholarship
- Semancik, Dr. William J. and Margaret M. Laco Semancik Endowment for Nursing
- Semancik, Dr. William J. and Margaret M. Laco Semancik Endowment for Electrical Engineering
- Sengupta, Jeet Memorial Book Award
- Senior Alumni Prize
- Senior Painting Award
- Serpentini Chevrolet Buick of Orrville Scholarship
- Shallenberger, Peggy J. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Sharp, Thelma M. Endowed Scholarship
- Shaw, Dr. Douglas Award for Community Involvement
- Sheffer, Daniel and Therese Engineering Scholarship Fund
- Shepherd, Philip D. Memorial Scholarship Fund in The University Of Akron School of Law
- Sheppe, Walter A. Lectureship in Environmental Biology
- Sherman, Edna Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Social Sciences
- Shuman, Agnes 'Aggie' Athletic Scholarship
- Sibert, Russell D. and Mary Beth Scholarship
- Sicka, Richard W. Fellowship in Polymer Science
- Sigma Nu Fraternity Scholarship Fund
- Sigma Nu-Kappa Lambda Chapter House Fund
- Sigma of Theta Phi Alpha Scholarship Fund
- Sigma of Theta Phi Alpha Water Monument
- Simmons, H. E. Memorial Scholarships
- Simonetti, Dr. Frank L. Endowed Scholarship
- Sims, Karen and Edward Endowed Scholarship in Music Education
- Sisler, Harlin G. and Thelma L. Engineering Scholarship
- Sisler, Thelma Litsinger Alpha Gamma Delta Scholarship
- Sisler-McFawn Endowed Nursing Scholarship
- Sisler-McFawn Graduate Nursing Scholarship
- Skeeles, Bill and Mary Baseball Scholarship
- Skelton Family Law Alumni Association Endowment Fund
- Skylight Financial Group Scholarship
- Slayman-Gallagher, Everett and Rebecca Endowed Scholarship
- Slezak, Cynthia L. Scholarship for Women in Engineering Students
- Slocum, Dr. Sally K. Endowed Scholarship
- Sloe, Jennifer Lynn Scholarship in Psychology
- Small, Dr. Sylvester Endowed Scholarship in Education
- Smith '39, Harvey E. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Smith, Dean E. Endowment Fund
- Smith, Dean E. Family Scholarship Fund
- Smith, Dean E. Scholarship
- Smith, Elizabeth K. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Smith, Jean Scholarship Fund
- Smith, Marian H. Short Story Prize
- Smith, Oscar Endowment Fund
- Smith, Paul C. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Smith, Richard L. Student Teacher Scholarship
- Smith, Timothy D. Endowed Scholarship
- Smucker, Paul H. Memorial Scholarship
- Snider, Dr. Larry D. Percussion Scholarship
- Snider, Larry D./Caroline J. Pardee Endowed Fund for Percussion
- Snoble, Roger P. and D. Kathleen Endowed Scholarship
- Snyder, Dr. Donald C. and Courtney F. Endowed Chair in Medical Education
- Snyder, Dr. Donald C. and Mrs. Courtney F. Educational Loan Fund
- Snyder, Dr. Donald C. and Mrs. Courtney F. Scholarship
- Snyder, Mary A. and Joseph E. Scholarship
- Snyder, Mary Alice Book Scholarship
- Snyder, Samuel T. Memorial Scholarship
- Society of Martin Scholars
- Sociology Alumni Society Dissertation Award
- Soderquist, Leslie E. and Ronald E. Soderquist Endowed Scholarship
- Solomon, Frances Schwebel Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Spain Jr., Fully R. Memorial Fund
- Spector & Saulino Scholarship Fund in Accounting
- Spicer/Peacock Endowed Scholarship for Student-Athletes
- Spindler, Jason J. Memorial Scholarship
- Stadelman Associates Inc. Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Staiger, Richard W. and Charlotte Endowed Fund
- Staiger, Walter J. and Genevieve Endowed Scholarship for Athletics
- Stair, Elizabeth Meyers Scholarship
- Stansfield, Helen F. Scholarship Fund
- Starkey, Ronald K. and Danielle L. Endowed Scholarship
- State Teacher's Retirement System, Inc. (STRS) Scholarship for the College of Education
- Stefan, John J. and Catherine A. Family Scholarship
- Steimel, Richard E. Memorial Scholarship
- Stein, Dorothy Hassenflue Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Stein, Dorothy Hassenflue Fund
- Steiner, Daniel Ceramics Workshop
- Steiner, Eddie and Jane Endowed Scholarship
- Steininger, Frank and Karen Faculty Fellowship
- Steininger, Frank and Karen Student Professional Development Faculty Fellowship
- Steininger, Frank C. and Karen S. Excellence in Accounting Endowed Award
- Steininger, Frank C. and Karen S. Excellence in Marketing Award
- Steininger, Frank C. and Karen S. Accountancy Graduate Assistantship
- Stell, Julia Mikis Scholarship in Accounting
- Stell, Robert C. Scholarship Fund in Chemical Engineering
- Stephens, Barbara J. Endowed Award in Sociology
- Stephenson, John F. Family Endowed Scholarship
- Stephenson, Judy Berns Stephenson and Marcey Berns Aronson Endowment
- Sterns, Dr. Harvey L. Scholarship
- Stevens, Dr. Henry C. and Mrs. Jean Chemistry Fellowship
- Stilley, Scott E. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Stinner, Christian Memorial Award
- Stinner, Christian Memorial Scholarship in Psychology
- Stitzlein, Harry P. and Rainy G. Endowed Scholarship for Excellence in Business
- Stocker, Thomas E. Memorial Scholarship
- Storck, Fred and Sandi Scholarship in Marketing
- Strain, Dr. Franklin Memorial Graduate Chemistry Scholarship
- Straka, Dr. Leora E. Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry
- Stroble, Elizabeth J. and Paul E. Endowed Scholarship for Summit College
- Stroud, James Classical Guitar Endowed Scholarship
- Stroup, Dr. Edsel W. History Endowment
- Student Bar Association Public Interest Law Fellowship Endowment Fund
- Student First Endowed Scholarship
- Student-Athlete Emergency Assistance Fund
- Suarez Corporation Industries Scholarship for Direct Marketing
- Sullivan, Dr. Dennis II Scholarship
- Sullivan, Meghan Scholarship
- Summit County Medical Alliance Endowed Nursing Scholarship
- Summit County Safety Council Scholarship
- Summit Scholars Award Fund
- Summit Testing and Inspection Company Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund
- Sumner, Jason and Corrine Scholarship
- Sumner, Thomas Memorial Scholarship
- Sunnybrook Scholarship for Direct Connect Students
- Sutter, Lawrence A. III Mock Trial Fund
- Swagelok Engineering Scholarship
- Swagelok Foundation Scholarship
- Swensons Drive-In Endowed Scholarship in Marketing
- Swope, Craig Alan Memorial Scholarship
- Sylvester, Nicholas and Carlotta Scholarship in Engineering