Named scholarships & funds
When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.
For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.
Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.
If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.
To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
This is not the page to apply for scholarships.
Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.
The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Search for a Named Scholarship
Blair Family Foundation Veterans Emergency Fund
The Blair Family Foundation Veterans Emergency Fund was created in December 2012 with a gift from The Blair Family Foundation, at the direction of Mrs. Faye Blair-Berry. The fund assists men and women from all branches of the U.S. military, particularly those who have returned from active duty to resume or begin their studies at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½.
The Blair Family Foundation Veterans Emergency Fund will provide emergency funds for student-veterans dealing with all types of financial hardships while they wait for support from the Veterans Administration, federal or state government, or other aid to arrive. The emergency fund is a loan that must be repaid — but without interest, according to terms negotiated with the University’s Military Services Center (MSC). The fund serves as a safety net for student-veterans, providing emergency funding when unexpected events threaten to disrupt or prevent their education.
Application and approval committee:
- Requests for emergency funds must be submitted online. They will be reviewed by a three-person Veterans Steering Committee that will report to The Blair Family Foundation to share information about the loans that have been granted.
Who qualifies as a student-veteran?
- Anyone who has veteran status who has not been dishonorably discharged
- Undergraduate or graduate status, in good academic standing
- Full-time or part-time status, in good academic standing
What constitutes an emergency?
- Unexpected events that threaten to disrupt or prevent the education of student-veterans; some examples include:
o Rent- or utility-related expenses that impact living conditions
o Car repairs (must show estimate from repair shop or appropriate
o Short-term child care needs
- Electronic submission completed and submitted along with proper documentation
- Committee will review application and documentation within 24 to 48 hours
- Upon 2/3 approval, the Bursar’s Office will have the student sign a contract agreeing to repayment of the loan within 90 days. The funds then will be disbursed to the student.
Level of Assistance provided:
- Must have depleted other sources of emergency funding; $500 cap on funds per veteran; $750 possible at the discretion of the approval committee
- Subsequent loans/grants may be approved if the student-veteran has no outstanding emergency fund balances
Payback plan:
- Loans must be repaid in 90 days
Repository and monthly reports:
- Military Services Center will be the repository of all records
- The Manager of Enrollment Services will provide the co-chair, Military Veterans Steering Committee, with a monthly report of loans/scholarships granted and payback of existing loans
Electronic application accessible through the MSC and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½Adult Focus websites:
- Documentation must be provided when the application is presented for review and approval