Named scholarships & funds

When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.

For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.

Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.

If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.

To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238

How do I apply for a scholarship?

This is not the page to apply for scholarships.

Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.

The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.

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Gerlach, Dr. Don R. Endowed Fund

Dr. Don R. Gerlach is a Corn Husker at heart. Born and raised in Nebraska, he received his bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees from The University of Nebraska. He was also awarded a Fullbright Scholarship and spent a year at the University of London (1956-57). Dr. Gerlach proudly served his country in Korea with the 1st Cavalry. Originally trained as a medic, his academic credentials provided an avenue for a role in their Education Center. He worked with professors from the University of Maryland's Overseas Program, and also taught history courses. He arrived on the campus of The University of Akron in 1962 and taught upper level and graduate courses in the College of Arts and Sciences, specializing in Early American History as well as English History. In 1988, he was named Outstanding Researcher by ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ Alumni Association. A staunch advocate of faculty rights as well as the maintenance of high academic standards, Dr. Gerlach will long be remembered for his leadership in the Faculty Senate, a role he carried through into retirement as the Faculty Senate representative for the Association of University of Akron Retirees (AUAR).

The Dr. Don R. Gerlach Endowed Fund was established by Dr. Gerlach for the support of the faculty member who teaches Early American History to 1800 in The University of Akron's College of Arts and Sciences. The fund shall provide for that faculty member's salary enhancement. In the event that Early American History to 1800 is no longer offered as a course in the College, the fund shall support the faculty member who teaches English History. Then, in the event English History is no longer offered, the fund shall convert to scholarship support for an academically talented student majoring in either American History or English History.

This endowed fund is a fitting tribute to Dr. Gerlach's personal and professional service to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½. Awards from the fund are to be approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Science in conjunction with the Chair of the History Department. Faculty recipients of the award must be in good professional standing with the University. Likewise, any student recipients must be in good academic standing.


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