Named scholarships & funds

When it comes to earning a college degree, the greatest obstacle can be funding.

For this reason, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is pleased for the opportunity each year to assist talented, deserving students achieve their dreams, thanks to more than 1,300 named scholarships established through the kindness and generosity of thousands of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½alumni and friends, corporations, and foundations.

Scholarships truly are the best way to ensure that today’s students persist to graduation. Scholarships allow students to enroll full time and remain focused on their studies; they also reduce drop-out rates, decrease the stress of student loans, and shorten the road to graduation.

If you are interested in making a significant contribution to student success, please consider a gift to scholarships. You may also establish a named scholarship at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½, which can be created to honor a living person, in memory of a loved one, or to contribute to the growth of an area of study.

To learn more, please contact the Department of Development at 330-972-7238

How do I apply for a scholarship?

This is not the page to apply for scholarships.

Students who want to apply for scholarships should visit the scholarship page on the Financial Aid site. You can find the link for the online application here.

The Department of Development does not accept applications for or distribute scholarships. Scholarships are distributed through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.

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Fitzgerald, William T. and Rita Fund for Entrepreneurial Excellence

The William T. and Rita Fitzgerald Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies was established in 1995 through an endowed gift from William T. and Rita Fitzgerald. An additional gift from William T. and Rita Fitzgerald now establishes The William T. and Rita Fitzgerald Fund for Entrepreneurial Excellence. The purpose of this fund is to encourage, support, and reward entrepreneurial projects of the College of Business Administration faculty and students.

This endowment is designed to last through time and support the College's entrepreneurial spirit. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as "one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise." Enterprise is further defined as "a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky."

Tire business magnate William T. Fitzgerald doesn't want to view entrepreneurship as merely the starting of small business entities, although that activity is tremendously important. "Whether the activity is a small or large business, new or old business, or even a project, the key is having someone take ownership and give leadership and direction. Someone has to have a vision and be willing to take a risk, devote the energy, and see it through," says the retired President of Cooper Tire and Rubber Company. The College of Business Administration at the University of Akron taught him how to analyze risks, determine customer needs, and appreciate the importance of producing better products and services. With this gift, Bill is encouraging the faculty and students to apply the entrepreneurial spirit throughout the college.

The income produced by this endowment will be administered by the Dean of the College of Business Administration with oversight provided by the Executive Advisory Board of the William T. and Rita Fitzgerald Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies. Faculty and students will submit proposals for review by the Dean and the Board. Proposals will be judged for their concurrence with the spirit of free enterprise as expressed by Bill Fitzgerald and with the mission of the College of Business Administration and The University of Akron. The corpus of the gift will not be spent so the support provided by William T. and Rita Fitzgerald Fund for Entrepreneurial Excellence will continue through time. Many of the projects being supported will likely involve students enrolled in entrepreneurship programs and faculty who teach such courses, but is not limited to them.

Bill treasures his University of Akron education because it left him with not only fond memories of professors and classmates, but also a desire and an ability to continue to learn. "I learned how to learn, so my college experience could be an ongoing one. The real value of an education is the effect it has on the rest of your life." The William T. and Rita Fitzgerald Fund for Entrepreneurial Excellence will have an everlasting and broad-based impact on ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½. By encouraging, supporting, and rewarding entrepreneurial projects, this fund will make the spirit of free enterprise flourish. Its impact will reach beyond the campus as graduates spread this spirit to the entire business community and the community at large, resulting in job creation, career opportunities, and the betterment of society.


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