
General travel information and requirements

University-sponsored domestic travel restrictions have expired.

Longer travels (measured by distance and time)

Travel MORE than eight hours driving distance or with three or more overnight stays:

  1. Groups should have a plan of action to be taken if an unexpected sickness arises, or a COVID-19 positive test result while travelling for isolation or quarantine per CDC guidelines. This plan should also identify a location where a COVID-19 test can be completed while traveling.
  2. Individuals should follow for actions to protect themselves and others from health risk for COVID and other types or respiratory viruses before and during travel.

International travel

Additional information for those traveling internationally

Faculty, staff , administrators, and individual students who have been approved by the relevant dean or vice president for international travel in support of University business must follow the Travel Registry process and the Travel Guidance on this page.

  • Student organization travel abroad and participation in education abroad are approved through different processes. Contact Kirstin Polen de Campi, or visit the Study Abroad site for more information concerning student travel requirements.
Revision date 10/24/2024. These policies will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.