International students arriving to UA
We know that you face additional challenges related to visa services, quarantine requirements, border restrictions, and flight availability. It is our goal to help you navigate these hurdles.
Who should read this info?
All international students planning to begin their studies at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ for the Spring 2023 term.
- Most of the information below is specific to F-1 students, but travel and border issues also impact other non-residents and global nomads.
- COVID-19 updates are found throughout most the sections
- Quarantining information can be found in the sections 1a, 3a and 3b below.
- See all other information about how to prepare for your first semester at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½.
Have you filled out this form yet?
Tell us your study plans and arrival details here
Read carefully, there is a lot of information here because we have attempted to answer all of your questions in one location.
Everything on this page is subject to change. Last updated Dec 2.
New students arriving from an international location:
→ If you DO NOT need to quarantine:
- Your arrival date is January 9 (classes start on January 10)
- If you do not need to quarantine and will be living in the on-campus residence halls, be aware that residence halls will open on January 5.
- *An early arrival form is required, this is in the Housing portal of your My Akron account.
- If you have a graduate assistantship (teaching or research), you are expected to be on campus to perform your duties on the start date listed in your assistantship agreement. For most graduate students, this is January 10.
- Law students, the deadline is January 1 (Law School classes start on January 2)
→ If you DO need to quarantine (see below for quarantine requirements)
- If you will be living in the on-campus residence halls, your arrival deadline is January 3.
- *An early arrival form is required, this is in the Housing portal of your My Akron account.
- If you have a graduate assistantship (teaching or research), your arrival deadline is 8 days prior to the start date on your graduate assistant contract, so you can exit quarantine and perform your duties on campus as stated in the agreement.
NOTE - If you have a Spring 2022 housing contract to live in one of our residence halls, we can provide quarantine accommodation from January 3.
- You MUST have completed our AND the early arrival form from Residence Life available in the My Akron portal BY DEC 21 so we know to have a room ready for you.
- You will live in temporary housing for your quarantine and will later move to your permanent location.
If you live off campus, or you arrive earlier than January 3, you will need to manage your own quarantine.
New students already in the USA (except Law Students):
New students that are already in the USA, your arrival deadline is January 9 (classes start on January 10).
- Exceptions (except for students with graduate assistantship contracts) can be made on a case-by-case basis by the International Center.
Q: Do I have to come directly to Akron, or can I stay with a friend in another city/state before coming to campus?
You may stay with family or friends in another state to complete any required quarantine before coming to Akron. State, local, and territorial governments may have travel restrictions in place, including testing requirements, stay-at-home orders, and quarantine requirements upon arrival. For up-to-date information and travel guidance, check the health department where you are, along your route, and where you are going. Prepare to be flexible during your trip as restrictions and policies may change during your travel. Follow all state, local, and territorial travel restrictions.
Note: It is your responsibility to complete the required testing/quarantine as outlined for your situation before you arrive in Akron.
Q: What happens if I do not complete the required steps for my situation?
We know this is all a huge inconvenience, for you and for us, but these rules are in place to protect our community from COVID-19 and we take them very seriously. We hope you will too. If you do not comply you will be referred to the Student Conduct Office, who will determine any disciplinary actions. Graduate assistants not in full compliance may be subject to contract cancellation.
See this chart for anyone traveling to United States from a foreign country by air:
For all students:
- On December 2, 2021 it was announced that ALL travellers to the USA (regardless of vaccination status) must receive a negative COVID test no more than one day prior to travel.
- On October 25, 2021, President Biden announced a global vaccination requirement for all adult travelers arriving in the U.S. on or after November 8, 2021. If you are not a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S., you will need to make sure your and are acceptable to board a flight to the U.S.
Details about the vaccine requirement may be found on the following CDC website: . There are , including exceptions for non-tourist visa holders who are citizens of a country with a limited COVID-19 vaccine availability (see the list ).
CDC has provided a , as well as a
- On November 26, 2021, The U.S. announced new entry bans for non-U.S. citizen travelers who were in the following countries within 14 days prior to their arrival at the U.S.: South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, unless covered by one of the proclamation’s limited exceptions. This is due to the new Omicron variant.
Criteria for national interest exceptions (NIEs) have not been published. We anticipate other countries will be added to this list, but do not yet know which countries those will be or when the travel restrictions may be lifted.
- Before and after arrival in Akron – arriving in Akron, travel info and communications while in transit
The International Center emergency contact information:
- The International Center contact for emergencies is Robyn Brown, Executive Director, Global Engagement: 330-972-6798
Akron/campus emergency number:
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ Police Department may be able help, call 330-972-2911 (if outside northeast Ohio call 1-330-972-2911).
Arriving in Akron
We regret that due to the incredible complexities surrounding travel/quarantines etc this year we are no longer able to offer shuttles form the airport to campus. The exception to this is for any student who will be under 18 on arrival in Ohio.
- You will find on our website. We strongly recommend you download the apps before you travel. There are no trains from CLE or CAK to campus.
so we know when to expect you.
We anticipate that we will once again have a remote process for the required immigration check in. Details to come.
Travel info
- On October 25, 2021, President Biden announced a global vaccination requirement for all adult travelers arriving in the U.S. on or after November 8, 2021.
- If you are not a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S., you will need to make sure your and are acceptable to board a flight to the U.S.
- Details about the vaccine requirement may be found on the following CDC website: . There are , including exceptions for non-tourist visa holders who are citizens of a
- CDC has provided a , as well as a
- Vaccines:
- It is possible that ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ may also require your vaccination record to be in English.
- If you travel by air to the U.S. under an exception, you will be required that you are excepted from the vaccine requirement and you may also be required to attest that you will (1) be tested with a viral test 3-5 days after arrival in the U.S., (2) self-quarantine a full 7 days, even if the post-arrival viral test is negative, and (3) you will self-isolate if the result of the post-arrival test is positive or if you develop COVID-19 symptoms. If you intend to stay in the U.S. for 60 days or longer, you may be required to attest that (1) you agree to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and (2) you have arranged to become fully vaccinated against COVID-19 within 60 days of arriving in the U.S.
- Proof of your vaccination will need to be in English. If it is not in English please check with your airline prior to travel.
has an excellent site that lists US travel requirements from various countries.
Omicron update:
On November 26, 2021, The U.S. announced new entry bans for non-U.S. citizen travelers who were in the following countries within 14 days prior to their arrival at the U.S.: South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, unless covered by one of the proclamation’s limited exceptions.
Masks are still required in some public spaces in the USA, including airports and any transportation hubs or sites, regardless of vaccination status
Communications while in transit
You will need a phone that can be used in the United States to have while you are in transit – to call for an Uber or Lyft or for emergencies.
- You should be able to use wifi in most places, but we recommend you have some US data while you travel, just in case.
Our recommendations:
- Be sure that your phone works in the USA. To do this, we suggest that you purchase a plan in your home country that permits roaming and will let you make at least a small number of calls from the US when you first arrive, and that your phone company has confirmed this will work.
- Have something available on your laptop and/or phone to call home to let your family know you made it here safely. Most students use WhatsApp, Facetime or Skype, but there are many free options available.
Please note: We can give you a free US SIM card when you get to campus. This is not an endorsement for any specific long-term phone company but is an option to tide you over when you arrive. Our SIMs have a relatively inexpensive plan that you can use while you investigate the phone company that is right for your needs.
- Check out task 29 in the online orientation for more information about cell phones.
- We will also cover this subject again in the on-campus orientation after you arrive.
Quarantine requirements
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is following the for international travel and quarantine.
Note 1: The day you arrive in the US is counted as day 0. You will count the next day as your first day in the US for quarantine/testing purposes.
Note 2: You are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your final dose. If you travelled to the USA before those 2 weeks were completed, follow the quarantine requirements below. Boosters are currently not required in order to be considered fully vaccinated.
Note 3: All COVID testing needs to be viral testing only. Antibody testing will not be considered valid. All testing documents must be official documents, provided in English, and must clearly show your name, date, and the test result.
If you are arriving from an international location
Recommendations and Requirements from CDC:
You are only permitted to enter the USA unvaccinated if you come from Anyone else travelling to the USA is required to show proof of an approved vaccine prior to boarding a flight.
If you are NOT vaccinated:
- Mandatory test required before flying TO USA
- Attest that you will get vaccinated within 60 days of arrival in the USA
- Get tested 3-5 days after travel
- Self quarantine after travel for a full 7 days even if your test is negative
- Self-monitor for symptoms
- Self-isolate if your post-arrival test is positive or you develop symptoms (it is up to you if you let us know that you tested positive. We can provide some support for you if you choose to tell us)
- Wear a mask and take other precautions during travel
- Get tested 1-3 days before travelling OUT of the USA
If you ARE vaccinated:
- Mandatory test required before flying TO USA
- Provide proof of vaccine to your airline, and to Customs and Border Patrol on entry to the USA
- Get tested 3-5 days after travel
- Self-monitor for symptoms
- Self-isolate if your post-arrival test is positive or you develop symptoms (it is up to you if you let us know that you tested positive. We can provide some support for you if you choose to tell us).
- Wear a mask and take other precautions during travel
Q: I have not yet received the vaccine. Do I need to quarantine?
Yes. If you have not been fully vaccinated before arriving in Akron you are REQUIRED to quarantine on arrival.
I. If you have a Spring 2022 housing contract to live in one of our residence halls, we can provide quarantine accommodation from January 3 onwards. You MUST have done by DEC 21 the following:
- Completed our
- The early arrival form from Residence Life available in the My Akron portal
- This is so we know to have a room ready for you. You will live in temporary housing for your quarantine and will later move to your permanent location.
II. If you live off campus, or you arrive earlier than January 3, you will need to manage your own quarantine.
If you complete your quarantine in Akron, you can receive your day 5 COVID test from Health Services. If your test is positive, Health Services will work with you to determine next steps.
- Please note Health Services is closed on weekends. Appointments are required and you will need to provide evidence of your travel dates when you test (boarding passes or passports with your name and travel dates clearly identified).
- Should testing dates fall on a weekend Health Services will make arrangements with you to schedule testing as close to the necessary date as possible.
If you are outside Akron and your test is positive:
- You must follow all isolation orders and directions provided by the medical provider giving you your test results. There may be specific criteria/directions dictated by local/state/territorial government authorities where you are located.
- Notify Health Services immediately of your positive COVID tests, or if you have been identified as a close contact of a positive case and are required to quarantine/isolate.
- Work with your faculty regarding any classes you may miss by extending your quarantine.
Q: I received the vaccine at home and am fully vaccinated. Do I need to quarantine?
No (see section below about which vaccines are accepted), you do not need to quarantine.
You MUST do the following instead:
- to the International Center before your arrival in the United States.
- Upload an English translation of your vaccination card to UA's (Instructions: How to upload)
- Med+Proctor will ask if you wish to pay for some additional services. You do not have to pay for anything if you do not want to, and may check NO every time Med+Proctor asks.
- Health Services will confirm you are fully vaccinated and will approve your exemption from quarantine. It may take a few days after you upload your information for this approval to be processed.
- Get a COVID test at Health Services 3-5 days after your arrival in Akron.
If you do not complete ALL of these steps you will be required to quarantine, as if you are not vaccinated.
Q: Does it matter which vaccine I received at home?
Yes. The vaccine must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization. If you completed the full course of that vaccine at least two weeks before travel you are considered to be fully vaccinated.
If you are not sure if the vaccine you received is approved, contact Health Services at Please provide your name, date of birth and your vaccine information (a picture/attachment in English) for review. Please allow 72 hours for a response from the medical provider.
If you have received a non-approved vaccine, Health Services will work with you to determine whether you should receive another vaccine, and the timelines concerned.
Q: I had COVID. Do I need to quarantine?
You will need to provide documentation of your infection and recovery to Health Services. They will follow up with you.
- Provide your full name, the date of your COVID test, the type of test, and your results.
- Documents must be in English.
- Test results are valid for 90 days.
Q: How do I make an appointment at Health Services?
Call 330 972-7808 or email
- You MUST make an appointment at Health Services, there is no walk-in COVID testing.
- Health Services is closed on Saturday and Sunday, but if the 3rd - 5th day after you arrive falls on a weekend they will do their best to accommodate you.
Q: Where can I quarantine?
If you are living on campus in the Residence Halls, we will provide housing and food for your quarantine.
- Be sure to when you will arrive so we can work with you and with Residence Life to get you smoothly from the airport to your quarantine housing.
- Quarantine housing through Residence Life is available from January 3. You will be living in temporary housing and will move to your permanent room allocation once your quarantine is complete. You MUST complete the form in advance to let us know you are coming so we can be sure to have a room ready for you!
- On-campus quarantine housing through Residence Life is only available for students who have a spring 2022 on-campus housing contract.
If you will be living off-campus, you will need to support yourself during your quarantine.
- Contact the International Center if you would like a list of local hotels for your quarantine.
Q: Do I have to come directly to Akron, or can I stay with a friend in another city/state before coming to campus?
You may stay with family or friends in another state to complete any required quarantine before coming to Akron. State, local, and territorial governments may have travel restrictions in place, including testing requirements, stay-at-home orders, and quarantine requirements upon arrival. For up-to-date information and travel guidance, where you are, along your route, and where you are going. Prepare to be flexible during your trip as restrictions and policies may change during your travel. Follow all state, local, and territorial travel restrictions.
Note: It is your responsibility to complete the required testing/quarantine as outlined for your situation before you arrive in Akron.
Quarantining on campus
If you will be quarantining on campus (that is, you have a housing assignment) you will receive instructions from Residence Life outlining how to get your key etc. Contact us if you haven’t received this communication.
- Please note: If you arrive before the residence halls open, you will need to find alternative quarantine accommodation.
If you miss your designated time to move into your housing:
- Notify Residence Life & Housing as soon as possible by emailing or calling the number they provide you.
- If you do not hear back with new instructions and must arrive on campus at a different time than originally scheduled, call the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½Police Department at 330-972-2911 and ask them to connect you with the Resident Director or Assistant on duty.
Quarantining on off campus
If you are living off campus: Please discuss arrangements and expectations with your landlord.
Suggested list of things to bring with you:
- Residence Life has a useful list of , however we know that space is limited in your suitcase so many of the items on the Residence Life list will not fit.
- Also, note that some websites in the USA do not accept international credit cards.
Our recommendation:
If you need a specific product, we suggest you bring it with you to use during quarantine, as you will not be able to go shopping (other than online) for the first few days you are in Akron.
- Examples: Things like contact lens supplies or a specific product that you love to use.
You probably will want to order bedding and towels so they are waiting for you when you arrive.
- , and order as early as you can. Our vendor does not require either a US credit card or a street address. It is possible that we may be able to put your order in your residence hall room before you arrive – be sure to tell us you placed the order!
- If you do not need these immediately, or if you have a US credit card, and/or someone who can take delivery for you, you may want to order online from somewhere like Amazon, Target, Walmart, or Bed, Bath and Beyond and have your purchases delivered directly to your accommodation.
Other things to bring:
- Something to keep you occupied during quarantine.
- A power adapter (and be sure to bring power cords for all your devices). Note: In the U.S., the power plugs and sockets are . The standard voltage is 120 and the standard frequency is 60 Hz.
- We strongly suggest that you bring a laptop with you on arrival for use during quarantine.
- We will check in with you and you are required to attend any virtual orientation sessions, but you will need to find ways to occupy your time.
- Don’t forget: you can start reading the books and other materials required for your classes
How to access the University of Akron’s wifi:
- UA's wifi is network on campus.
- You will need your UAnet ID and password to log in.
Financial considerations
Financial challenges associated with being in quarantine:
- Please plan ahead to consider how you will access your funds while in quarantine.
- Due dates for ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½related expenses can be found online.
- If you are under 18, be sure to check for more information about banking in the USA.
Paying bills:
Plan ahead. It is possible that you will need to pay your tuition or room/board expenses while you are in quarantine BEFORE you have opened a bank account.
- .
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½expenses (tuition, room, board) can be paid from overseas using (click on International payments)
- (click on payment plans). Be sure to pay attention to due dates.
- If you live off campus and have rent due, check with your landlord about payment options and deadlines.
Opening a bank account in the USA
We suggest that you open a bank account in the USA to manage your finances.
- PNC is the official bank of the University of Akron and has several locations around campus.
- Please note: you do not have to bank with them.
Things to know:
- You cannot open a bank account while online (unless you have a US Social Security number).
- You cannot open a bank account without a co-signer if you are under 18.
- You can schedule an appointment with PNC to discuss your financial needs. You can start this conversation while you are in quarantine and can open your bank account when quarantine is over.
- We will advise contact information for PNC during the virtual orientation.
Our recommendations:
- Bring some cash. Be sure to carry any cash in your hand luggage, not your checked bags.
- An alternative to cash: bring a prepaid/preloaded credit card - but be sure you know the PIN number.
- Bring a credit card and make sure it works in the USA. Be sure to tell your bank you’ll be travelling internationally and that they should approve your purchases.
If you will be under 18 at the time of your arrival in the usa you must complete our medical form that allows us to provide medical treatment. Without this form, we cannot provide medical care if you become sick, and we cannot give you any doses of the vaccine.
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ does not currently have a COVID-19 vaccination requirement in order for people to be on campus.
We do have a campus mask requirement for all indoor spaces.
Please see our website for other (non-COVID) vaccination information, and the required tuberculosis (TB) screening questionnaire.
Q: I received the COVID vaccine. What do I do with my certificate?
We suggest that you upload an English translation of your COVID vaccination card to UA's (Instructions: )
- Med+Proctor will ask if you wish to pay for some additional services. You do not have to pay for anything if you do not want to, and may check NO every time Med+Proctor asks.
If you wish, you can upload information about other vaccinations to Med+Proctor also. You do not need to send any medical certificates to the International Center. If you choose not to upload other vaccine information, we suggest you bring your records with you in case they are needed in the future.
Q: Does it matter which vaccine I received at home?
Yes. The vaccine must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization. If you completed the full course of that vaccine at least two weeks before travel you are considered to be fully vaccinated.
If you are not sure if the vaccine you received is approved, contact Health Services at Please provide your name, date of birth and your vaccine information (a picture/attachment in English) for review. Please allow 72 hours for a response from the medical provider.
If you have received a non-approved vaccine, Health Services will work with you to determine whether you should receive another vaccine, and the timelines concerned.
Q: I am from one of the 50 countries on the list and am permitted to arrive in the USA unvaccinated, can I get vaccinated when I arrive?
YES - in order to enter the USA unvaccinated you will be required to attest to the US government that you will be fully vaccinated within 60 days of arriving in the USA.
We are not able to offer vaccines as soon as you arrive: you will need to complete any required COVID testing and/or quarantine before receiving the vaccine, but you can get vaccinated in the USA.
- There are vaccines available in the Akron community.
- Vaccines are available on campus also. If you have family members with you who also need to receive the vaccine, let us know and we can give you suggestions of where they can receive the vaccine.
- COVID vaccines are free of charge to anyone, regardless of immigration status. Any family members with you who would like the vaccine can receive it too.
Q: What happens if I was only able to get the first dose of a two-dose vaccine before I travelled?
If you were unable to complete a full course of a vaccine before you travelled, please contact Health Services to discuss your specific situation. You may be able to complete your vaccine course here after your arrival if your original vaccine is a vaccine available in the United States.
If you were unable to receive both doses of a two-dose vaccine and your specific vaccine is not available in the United States, you must wait at least 28 days before receiving a dose of another brand of vaccine. Please notify Health Services should you have this situation occur. You may be asked to schedule an appointment to discuss details and review your documentation. Health Services will advise you on your options.
As you probably know, the University of Akron will be operating close to normal for Spring 2022. This is great news for anyone who will be able to make it to campus this spring. However, we know that many of you are finding it hard to get a visa appointment in time for fall, and we also recognise that travel is still incredibly challenging.
Registering for classes
- Undergraduates: we strongly suggest you contact your academic advisors NOW to complete any required placement tests and to register for classes. Most placement tests can be taken online. You can talk to your advisor now about your classes. We will not have time to register you during orientation.
- Check out Task 16 in the online orientation for an explanation of the advising process, information about the number of required classes (per immigration regulations), and the contact information for your advisor. Contact the International Center if you have questions.
We strongly recommend that you sign up for online classes and then change to in-person classes when you know you can actually come to campus. We have limited online options and expect them to fill quickly.
- Graduate students: each department manages the class registration program differently. Some will permit you to register for classes before you arrive in Akron, while others want you here first. Please contact your department for instructions and also to ask about online options.
- Law students: contact the Law School.
Please be sure to keep the International Center, especially if they change. This will help us ensure you are billed correctly for your classes and associated fees.
Additional considerations
If you plan to take classes online from outside the USA.:
Financial aid:
- To use financial aid from Akron, you will most likely need to take at least 12 credits (UG and Law) or 9 credits (Graduate).
- If you decide to take fewer than this you can choose not to use your ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½aid. In this situation, you will pay for as many credits as you take at home using your own funding.
- If you have other financial support be sure to check with your sponsor to see if they have any requirements.
Visa not guaranteed:
- Starting your degree program from home does not guarantee that you will receive a visa to study in the USA in the future. All visas are issued at the discretion of the US Department of State.
- However, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to complete a full degree program online from home, so we hope you can get a visa and you should expect to join us in Akron in the future.
Q: Can I sign up for online classes and then switch to in-person when I get my visa?
- Undergraduates: We strongly recommend that you start by signing up for online classes and then switch to in-person when you know you can physically come to campus.
- Graduate students: Please check with your department for online options as this varies greatly by program.
- Please be sure to keep the International Center. This will help us ensure you are billed correctly for your classes and associated fees.
Q: Can I defer my admission?
You can request to defer your admission until August 2022, or possibly later. All requests will be reviewed by International Recruitment (undergrads), the Graduate School (graduate students) and the Law School (Law students).
- Deferral form for
- Deferral form for
Q: Can I take classes from another school while I am stuck at home?
If you choose to take classes from a different institution while at home (that is, take classes that are not from ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½) we will need to re-evaluate your transcript before you enroll at UA.
- Undergraduates will be evaluated as transfer students.
- This may negatively impact the amount of aid we are able to offer you.
For more information, please contact us before you take classes elsewhere
I plan to be IN the USA taking classes in spring 2022 Can i enroll in online classes? Do I have to take a full course load?
Extended flexibilities for F-1 students:
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ has reported our COVID-19 operational changes to SEVP for spring 2022, so the COVID-19 flexibilities will continue for spring 2022. Please note this is subject to change.
The minimum number of credits needed to maintain F-1 status remains the same:
- 12 credit hours for undergraduate students and law students
- 9 credit hours for graduate students*
* Certain students may be considered “full time” if they are enrolled in 1 or more graduate hours: Doctoral students in their final semester of study who have completed all degree requirements except the dissertation, and International students participating in Curricular Practical Training (F-1) or Academic Training (J-1) opportunities of 30 hours or more per week. If this is your situation, complete: .
Reduced course load eligibility remains the same: If you plan to drop below a full course of study, submit a completed and obtain permission from the International Center BEFORE dropping below full time. If you are requesting a reduced course load due to a medical condition, you will also need to submit our .
COVID-19 online course delivery flexibilities for Spring 2022.
Students planning to study inside the U.S.
- F-1 students entering the U.S. in Initial status for spring 2022— such as new initial students and those who started their academic programs remotely from outside the U.S. during fall 2021 — will need to take at least one course with an in-person component.
- Continuing F-1 students who were in the U.S. on March 9, 2020, may take all their courses remotely.
- Continuing F-1 students who entered the U.S. after March 9, 2020, and have completed at least one semester with an in-person course, may take all their courses remotely.
- Students transferring to UA, changing educational levels, filing for reinstatement, or applying for a change of status: contact for specific guidance in your situation.
- J-1 students: Discuss your enrollment plans with your Responsible Officer.
Students planning to study outside the U.S.
- Students who have not entered the U.S. and will remain outside the U.S. during Spring 2022 may take a full course load, a partial course load, or request deferral of their attendance to a different semester. Please note that online enrollment may not be an option for your particular major or your country. Your SEVIS record cannot be activated until you enter the U.S.
- Students with Active SEVIS records who will remain outside the U.S. during Spring 2022 must enroll in a full course load to keep their SEVIS record Active.
- You may request a if you meet certain criteria.
- Some graduate students may be considered “full time” with fewer than 9 credits. Visit and click on “Request to Be Considered Full-time with Less than Nine Credit Hours.”
Please note: This guidance is subject to change.
Sponsored students: Be sure to check with your sponsor regarding its enrollment requirements to maintain your financial aid.
Note: All orientation information will be updated on the this page
Health insurance
The mandatory international health student insurance will start on January 1.
- All new international students will receive 30 days of free coverage, so you will have coverage from December 11 (the earliest you are permitted to enter the USA, per immigration regulations).
You must be enrolled in classes to be registered for the insurance.
- Contact the International Center if you are unable to register for classes and need to be enrolled in the insurance before January 1.
Note: International students are automatically enrolled.
- If you do not want to be enrolled, we have a strict waiver out process: Details are online (check the FAQ).
Health insurance for global nomad
If you are a global nomad and would like to buy this policy, contact us asap for the paperwork. You are not automatically enrolled even though international students are automatically enrolled.