Pan African Studies certificate program

Sheldon B. Wrice, Ed.D.
Director, Pan African Studies Certificate Program
Our program is part of an interdisciplinary, experiential learning atmosphere. We promote the unification, uplifting and education of peoples within and outside the African Diaspora.
What you can expect to get from this certificate program
To become a history maker by mastering historical facts, understanding current issues, predicting future problems and projecting achievable solutions to bring about social justice, equality, and communal sustainability.
Program details:
This certificate program will establish an environment of common knowledge and language as it relates to Afro-centric philosophy and worldview, by:
- Engaging you in a historical quest for knowledge
- Providing analytical tools that aid in your understanding of an Afro-centric perspective
- Expand your vocabulary that embraces meaningful dialogue around historical facts, current issues, and future problems and solutions that plague the African and African American community
- An interdisciplinary approach that employs the skills and interest that students have across disciplines
- Demonstrating African American history as "alive, relevant and usable"
This approach encompasses analyzing African and African-American history from a social, psychological and cultural context and provides a framework to compare and contrast the experiences of African and African American people past, present, and future.
You will complete a total of 15 credit hours (6 credit hours of required courses and 9 credit hours of elective courses).
Requirements to apply:
- Be fully admitted to the University of Akron as an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate student
- Fill out this Pan African Studies Certificate Program Application
- Turn in completed application to Dr. Sheldon Wrice, Program Director.
Contact us
College of Arts and Sciences, Room 115E in the Advising Office Suites on the first floor.
Contact Dr. Sheldon Wrice at 330-972-6023 or with any questions you have.