Contact Us

Work with Us

Work with us to solve industrial problems whether they are regional, national, or international. Our faculty and students would love to work on finding solutions for global challenges and making our world better.

Feel free to contact any of the faculty members listed below to see how we can work with you in the area that they represent.

Advanced materials and manufacturing Dr. KT Tan (ktan@uakron.edu) CPM, CAMP, NPIC,
Electric vehicles, batteries, smart grids Dr. Yilmaz Sozer (ys@uakron.edu) CAVES
Tribology, sustainability, machines Dr. Chris DellaCorte (cdellacorte@uakron.edu) AETL
Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering Dr. Mark Soucek (msoucek@uakron.edu) NPIC
Robotics, controls, space applications Dr. Dane Quinn (quinn@uakron.edu) CPM
Civil Infrastructure, Green Energy, Water Dr. Anil Patnaik (ap52@uakron.edu)
Rapid prototyping, 3D printing, airships, drones Dr. Nick Garafolo (ngarafo@uakron.edu)
Medical Devices, Biomedical Therapeutics Dr. Hossein Tavana (tavana@uakron.edu)

For any other information, questions or general clarifications, contact:

Dr. Ajay Mahajan
Associate Dean for Research & Industrial Engagement

Phone: 330-972-6033
Email: majay@uakron.edu