Dr. Nghi Tran

Dr. Nghi Tran

Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: ASEC 352 (Lab ASEC 362)
Phone: 330-972-7168
Email: hnt@uakron.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Tran came to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½in 2011. Prior to that, he was at McGill University as a Postdoctoral Scholar under the prestigious Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dr. Tran’s research work has been supported by US National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Research Laboratory, and industry. He also works as a consultant in the satellite industry. Dr. Tran has served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, a Senior Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, an Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and an Editor for Elsevier Physical Communication. Dr. Tran has published more than 160 journal and conference papers and serves as a Senior Member of IEEE. He is also an ABET coordinator of the ECE department.


Communication and information theories, Wireless communications, Energy-efficient wireless networks, Security


  • Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 2008
  • M.Sc. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 2004
  • B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam 2002


Computer Networks, Signals and Systems, Information Theory, Error Control Coding