Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty

Dr. Jay Adams

Dr. Jay Adams
Title: Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7693
Email: jla36@uakron.edu

Mohammed G. Ali

Mohammed G. Ali
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4914
Email: mali@uakron.edu

Osama Alkhateeb

Osama Alkhateeb
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8461
Email: oja1@uakron.edu

Dr. Joan Carletta

Dr. Joan Carletta
Title: Professor and Associate Dean
Dept/Program: Engineering and Polymer Science Dean's Office
Phone: 330-972-7691
Email: carlett@uakron.edu

Dr. Anindya Bijoy Das

Dr. Anindya Bijoy Das
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-5738
Email: adas@uakron.edu

Dr. J. Alexis De Abreu-Garcia

Dr. J. Alexis De Abreu-Garcia
Title: Professor and Interim Chair
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6709
Email: alexis4@uakron.edu

Dr. Malik Elbuluk

Dr. Malik Elbuluk
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6531
Email: elbuluk@uakron.edu

Dr. Ali Elrayyah

Dr. Ali Elrayyah
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4739
Email: aelrayya@uakron.edu

Dr. Michael French

Dr. Michael French
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6136
Email: mlf56@uakron.edu

Dr. James Grover

Dr. James Grover
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8461
Email: groverj@uakron.edu

Dr. Farhina Haque

Dr. Farhina Haque
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-5524
Email: fhaque@uakron.edu

Dr. S. I. Hariharan

Dr. S. I. Hariharan
Title: Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6580
Email: hari@uakron.edu

Gregory Harstine, P.E.

Gregory Harstine, P.E.
Title: Professor of Practice
Program: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6234
Email: gph@uakron.edu

Dr. Nathan Ida

Dr. Nathan Ida
Title: Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6525
Email: ida@uakron.edu

Dr. Kye-Shin Lee

Dr. Kye-Shin Lee
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-2996
Email: klee3@uakron.edu

Dr. Michael Lichter

Dr. Michael Lichter
Title: Assistant Professor of Practice
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6744
Email: mlichter@uakron.edu

Total results: 25