Fire Suppression and Emergency Response Methods

Richard L. Bennett MPA
Assistant Professor

Fire Protection Technology
Office: Polsky Building 161
Office phone 330-972-7233
Fax: 330-972-5476

Required Text:

Student Workbook
University Fire and Emergency Training Consortium

Course Objectives

* Students will be able to understand Unity of Command, Span of Control, and other management principles as they apply to emergency response incidents.

* Ability to develop strategic goals, and tactical objectives for given EMERGENCY scenarios.

* Student will have an operational understanding of the Incident Management System (IMS).

* Understanding of the factors that require expanding the IMS.

Course Outline

* Week 1: Introduction and Command Procedures
* Week 2: Laws and Standards requiring an Incident Management System (IMS)
* Week 3: Management principles (Unity of Command & Span of Control) - quiz
* Week 4: Strategic Goals vs. Tactical Objectives.
* Week 5: Scenario 1 Single Family Dwelling

* Week 6: Command Structure
* Week 7: Geographic designations - quiz
* Week 8: Practical Application of skills, size up, establish priorities, assign objectives, etc.
* Week 9: Command Structure: Expanding the Organization
* Week 10: Assignment: Incorporate the use of Branches into comm and structure

* Week 11: Four IMS sections-Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration - quiz
* Week 12: Unified Command
* Week 13: Conducting planning meetings, meeting management
* Week 14: Group projects
* Week 15: Group projects

* Practical application of ICS to: Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine High School, etc.
* ICS Simulator and table top exercises

Class Protocol

NO hats will be worn in class. This a professional degree program and this image will be important for your future success!!

Pagers /or cell phones are to be placed in silent notification mode to avoid class interruptions.

Class Projects

Each student is responsible for presenting a scenario on an incident using the IMS system. Points will be awarded for originality, authenticity, and creativity.


A 97-100
A- 94-96
B+ 90-93
B 86-89
B- 82-85
C+ 78-81
C 75-77
C- 72-75
D 70-73
D- 69

Final Grades

There will be four tests (20%) each and a final project (20%) figured into your grade.


Be in class unless excused or you have a well documented emergency.

If you miss an exam (see above) it is your responsibility to make up by 5:00 pm of the next scheduled class day. After that time lapse, test make up is not permitted!

Special Notice

Students whose names do not appear on the University's official class list will not be permitted to participate in the class.

Please review the Summit College site for withdrawals, refunds, and graduation application dates.

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ Fire Protection Technology

"The Fire School of the Midwest"