College Credit Plus course list

“A student eligible to participate in College Credit Plus and admitted to a college or university will enroll in actual college courses, which may include “mature subject matter” as defined in . The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs."

What courses can you take as a CCP student?

LEVEL I COURSES or First 15 Credit Rule

You may only enroll in Level I courses within the "First 15 Credits." Most Level I courses are part of the General Education Program at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½.

Level I allowable courses include:

  • Transferable courses
    • Ohio Transfer 36, abbreviated as OTM in the accordion below for its earlier name, the Ohio Transfer Module.
    • Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG)
    • Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG)
  • Courses in subjects
    • Computer science
    • Information technology
    • Anatomy
    • Physiology
    • Foreign language (including American Sign Language)


Level II courses are any college course that is not a Level I course. Exceptions to the "First 15 Credits" rule may be made if you wish to continue in the same subject, or test directly into a Level II course.

Attaining the required scores on AP or IB course examinations may count toward the "First 15 Credits."

Survey of History of Art I, 7100:100, Arts & Humanities (Arts), TAG

Visual Arts Awareness, 7100:210, Arts & Humanities (Arts), OTM

Exploring Music: Bach to Rock, 7500:201, Arts & Humanities (Arts), OTM

Playscript & Perform Analysis, 7800:264, Arts & Humanities (Arts), TAG

Viewing Dance, 7900:200, Arts & Humanities (Arts), OTM

Introduction to Ancient World, 3200:220, Arts & Humanities, OTM

The Literature of Greece, 3200:361, Arts & Humanities, OTM

Classic & Contemporary Lit, 3300:250, Arts & Humanities, OTM

Foundation Drawing I, 7100:131, Fine Arts, TAG

2-D Foundations, 7100:144, Fine Arts, TAG

3-D Foundations, 7100:145, Fine Arts, TAG

Introduction to Sculpture, 7100:222, Fine Arts, TAG

Foundation Life Drawing, 7100:233, Fine Arts, TAG

Painting (Oil/Acrylic), 7100:243, Fine Arts, TAG

Ceramics I, 7100:254, Fine Arts, TAG

Introduction to Photography, 7100:275, Fine Arts, TAG

Acting I, 7800:172, Fine Arts, TAG

Basic Stagecraft, 7800:265, Fine Arts, TAG & CTAG

Intro to Theatre Through Film, 7800:301, Fine Arts, OTM, TMAH

Prod Lab-Design/Technology, 7810:100, Fine Arts, TAG

Acting Practicum, 7810:110, Fine Arts, TAG

Dance as an Art Form, 7900:115, Fine Arts, TAG

Physical Analysis For Dance I, 7900:116, Fine Arts, TAG

Physical Analysis For Dance II, 7900:117, Fine Arts, TAG

Choreography I, 7900:316, Fine Arts, TAG

Survey of History of Art II, 7100:101, Global Diversity, TAG

Sports & Society Anc Gr & Rome, 3200:230, Humanities, OTM

Mythology of Ancient Greece, 3200:289, Humanities, OTM

Shakespeare & His World, 3300:252, Humanities, OTM

Humanities in Western Trad I, 3400:210, Humanities, OTM & TAG

Humanities in the Wld Since 1300, 3400:221, Humanities, OTM & TAG

Hispanic Lit in Translation, 3580:250, Humanities, OTM

Introduction to Philosophy, 3600:101, Humanities, OTM

Introduction to Philosophy, 3600:101, Humanities, TAG

Introduction to Ethics, 3600:120, Humanities, OTM & TAG

Theory & Evidence, 3600:125, Humanities, OTM

Introduction to Logic, 3600:170, Humanities, OTM

Humanities in Western Trad II, 3400:211, Humanities/History, OTM & TAG

Class Piano I, 7500:104, Music, TAG

Class Piano II, 7500:105, Music, TAG

Theory & Musicianship I, 7500:121, Music, TAG

Theory & Musicianship II, 7500:122, Music, TAG

Theory & Musicianship IV, 7500:221, Music, TAG

Theory & Musicianship III, 7500:222, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:103, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:104, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:114, Music, TAG

Jazz Ensemble, 7510:115, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:116, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:120, Music, TAG

Large Ensemble, 7510:121, Music, TAG

Concert Band, 7510:125, Music, TAG

University Band, 7510:128, Music, TAG

Principles of Macroeconomics, 3250:201, Business, TAG

Specialized Writing, 3300:275, Business, TAG

Accounting Principles I, 6200:201, Business, TAG

Accounting Principles II, 6200:202, Business, TAG

Legal & Soc Environ Business, 6400:220, Business, TAG

Business Statistics, 6500:304, Business, TAG

Business Analytics, 6500:305, Business, TAG

Principles of Advertising, 2520:203, Public Relations/Advertising, TAG

Interpersonal Communication, 7600:235, Communication, TAG

Intro to the Media Industries, 7600:274, Communication, TAG

Communication Theory, 7600:305, Communication, TAG

Small Group Communication, 7600:344, Communication, TAG

Video Production, 7600:372, Communication, TAG & CTAG

Video Production, 7600:372, Communication, CTAG

Prof Communication & Presentations, 2420:263, Speaking, OTM

Introduction to Public Speaking, 7600:105, Speaking, OTM & TAG

Effective Oral Communication, 7600:106, Speaking, OTM & TAG

Intro: Comptr & Appl Software, 2440:105, Computer Applications, TAG & CTAG

Introd of Logic/Programming, 2440:121, IT, CTAG

Introduction to UNIX/Linux, 2440:145, IT, CTAG

Networking Basics, 2440:201, IT, CTAG

Router & Routing Basics, 2440:202, IT, CTAG

Switching Basics & Wireless, 2440:203,  IT, CTAG

WAN Technologies, 2440:204, IT, CTAG

Introduction to Fire Protection, 2230:100, FIRE SCIENCE, TAG

Fire Safety Bldg Design & Const, 2230:102, FIRE SCIENCE, TAG

Fire Detection & Suppression Sys, 2230:205, FIRE SCIENCE, TAG

Fire Prevention, 2230:254, FIRE SCIENCE, TAG

Introduction to Education, 5100:200, Education, TAG

Introduction to Education, 5100:200, Education, CTAG

Characteristics of Learners, 5100:210, Education, TAG

Educational Psychology, 5100:220, Education, TAG

Child Family & School, 5200:215, Education, TAG

Educational Technology, 5500:230, Education, TAG

Educational Technology, 5500:311, Education, TAG

Intro: Exceptionalities, 5610:225, Education, TAG

Dev Charact of Exceptnl Indiv, 5610:440, Education, TAG

Circuit Fundamentals, 2860:120,  Engineering, TAG & CTAG

AC Circuits, 2860:122,  Engineering, TAG

Electronic Devices, 2860:123,  Engineering, TAG

Digital Circuits, 2860:237, Engineering, TAG & CTAG

Microprocessor Applications, 2860:238,  Engineering, TAG

Comp Cntrl Automated Sys, 2870:301,  Engineering, TAG & CTAG

Basic Principles of Mfg Mgmt, 2880:110,  Engineering, TAG & CTAG

Fundamentals of Engr Drawing, 2920:121,  Engineering, TAG

Intro to Material Technology, 2920:142,  Engineering, TAG

Fluid Power, 2920:251,  Engineering, TAG

Thermo-Fluids Laboritory, 2920:252,  Engineering, TAG

Basic Surveying, 2980:101,  Engineering, TAG

Topographic Surveying, 2980:102,  Engineering, TAG

Statics, 2990:125, Engineering, TAG

Building Construction, 2990:131,  Engineering, TAG & CTAG

Plan Reading, 2990:150,  Engineering, TAG & CTAG

Strength of Materials, 2990:225,  Engineering, TAG

Materials Testing I, 2990:237,  Engineering, TAG

Materials Testing II, 2990:238,  Engineering, TAG

Hydraulics, 2990:466,  Engineering, TAG

Tools for Chemical Engineering, 4200:101, Engineering, TAG

Tool for Civil Engineering, 4300:101, Engineering, TAG

Statics, 4300:201, Engineering, TAG

Tools for Electrical Engr, 4400:101, Engineering, TAG

Tools for Mechanical Engr, 4600:165, Engineering, TAG

Dynamics, 4600:203, Engineering, TAG

Tools for Biomedical Engineering, 4800:101, Engineering, TAG

English Literature I, 3300:301, English, TAG

American Literature I, 3300:341, English, TAG

English, 2020:121, Writing, OTM

Technical Report Writing, 2020:222, Writing, OTM

English Composition I + Wkshp, 3300:110, Writing, OTM

English Composition I, 3300:111, Writing, OTM

English Composition II, 3300:112, Writing, OTM

Intro: Exercise Science, 5550:125, Exercise Science

Concepts in Health & Fitness, 5550:150, Exercise Science, CTAG

Personal Health, 5570:101, Exercise Science, CTAG

World Regional Geography, 3350:250, Geography, TAG

Maps & Map Reading, 3350:305, Geography, TAG

Physical & Envrn Geography, 3350:310, Geography, TAG

Introduction to Historical Geol, 3370:102, Geology, TAG

Natural Science: Geology, 3370:103, Geology, OTM

Mineral Science, 3370:230, Geology, TAG

Environmental Geology, 3370:200, Geology OTM,

Geography Cultural Diversity, 3350:275, Global Diversity, TAG

Anat & Phys for Allied Hlth I, 2780:106, Natural Science, OTM

Anat & Phys for Allied Hlth II, 2780:107, Natural Science, OTM

Basic Chemistry, 2820:105, Natural Science, OTM

Introductory Chemistry, 2820:111, Natural Science, OTM

Intro & Analytical Chemistry, 2820:112, Natural Science, OTM

Technical Physics: Mechanics, 2820:160, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Technical Physics: Mechanics I, 2820:161, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Technical Physics: Mechanics II, 2820:162, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Tech Physics: Elect & Magnetsm, 2820:163, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Tech Physics: Heat & Light, 2820:164, Natural Science, OTM TAG

Natural Science: Biology, 3100:103, Natural Science, OTM

Principles of Biology I, 3100:111, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Principles of Biology II, 3100:112, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Principles of Microbiology, 3100:130, Natural Science, OTM

Human Anat & Physiology I, 3100:200, Natural Science, OTM

Human Anat & Physiology II, 3100:202, Natural Science, OTM

Chemistry for Everyone, 3150:101, Natural Science, OTM

Intro Gen Orgn & Biochem I Lec, 3150:110, Natural Science, OTM

Intro Gen Org & Biochem I Lab, 3150:111, Natural Science, OTM

Intro Gen Orgn & Biochem II Lec, 3150:112, Natural Science, OTM

Intro Gen Orgn & Biochem II Lab, 3150:113, Natural Science, OTM

Principles of Chemistry I, 3150:151, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Principles of Chemistry I Lab, 3150:152, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Principles of Chemistry II, 3150:153, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Qualitative Analysis, 3150:154, Natural Science, TAG

Organic Chemistry Lecture I, 3150:263, Natural Science, TAG

Organic Chemistry Lecture II, 3150:264, Natural Science, TAG

Organic Chemistry Lab I, 3150:265, Natural Science, TAG

Organic Chemistry Lab II, 3150:266, Natural Science, TAG

Human Evolution, 3230:151, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Earth Science, 3370:100, Natural Science, OTM

Introductory Physical Geology, 3370:101, Natural Science, OTM & TAG

Introduction to the Oceans, 3370:171, Natural Science, OTM

Exerc Environmentl Geology I, 3370:201, Natural Science, OTM

Exerc Environmentl Geology II, 3370:203, Natural Science, OTM

Intro to Environmental Science, 3370:211, Natural Science, OTM

Descriptive Astronomy, 3650:130, Natural Science, OTM

Music Sound & Physics, 3650:133, Natural Science, OTM

Light, 3650:137, Natural Science, OTM

Nutrition Fundamentals, 7760:133, Natural Science, TAG

Introduction to Botany, 3100:100, Natural Science, OTM

Introduction to Zoology, 3100:101, Natural Science, OTM

Chemistry & Society, 3150:100, Natural Science, OTM

Physics for Life Sciences I, 3650:261, Natural Science, TAG

Physics for Life Sciences II, 3650:262, Natural Science, TAG

Elementary Classical Physics I, 3650:291, Natural Science, TAG

Elementary Classical Physics II, 3650:292, Natural Science, TAG

Basic Nutrition, 7400:133, DIETETICS, TAG

Food Science Lecture, 7760:250, DIETETICS, TAG

Food Systems Management I, 7760:310, DIETETICS, TAG

Food Systems Mgmt I Clinical, 7760:315, DIETETICS, TAG

Medical Terminology, 2740:120, Health Information Management, TAG & CTAG

Study of Disease Processes, 2740:121, Health Information Management, TAG

Admin Medical Assisting I, 2740:126,  Medical Assisting, CTAG

Admin Medical Assisting II, 2740:127,  Medical Assisting, CTAG

Clinical Medical Assisting I, 2740:135,  Medical Assisting,  CTAG

Medical Insurance, 2740:228, Medical Assisting, CTAG

Clinical Medical Assisting II, 2740:235,  Medical Assisting, CTAG

Intro: Social Work Practice, 7750:275, Social Work, TAG

Introduction to Social Welfare, 7750:276, Social Work, TAG

Technical Data Analysis, 2030:345, ENGINEERING STATISTICS, TAG

Probability & Stat for Engineers, 3470:401, Math, TAG

Technical Mathematics II, 2030:152, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Technical Mathematics III, 2030:153, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM 

Math for Modern Technology, 2030:161, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Algebra for Calculus, 3450:145, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Precalculus Mathematics, 3450:149, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Calculus with Business Applic, 3450:210, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Analytic Geometry-Calculus I, 3450:221, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM & TAG

Analytic Geometry-Calculus II, 3450:222, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM & TAG

Analytic Geometry-Calc III, 3450:223, Quantitative Reasoning, TAG

Linear Algebra, 3450:312, Quantitative Reasoning, TAG

Intro to Ordinary Diff Equatns, 3450:335, Quantitative Reasoning, TAG

Statistics for Everyday Life, 3470:250, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Basic Statistics, 3470:260, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Introductory Statistics I, 3470:261, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

Introductory Statistics II, 3470:262, Quantitative Reasoning, OTM

American Sign Language I, 7700:101, ASL, TAG

Beginning German II, 3530:102, ModLang, TAG

Intermediate German I, 3530:201, ModLang, TAG

Beginning Spanish I, 3580:101, ModLang, TAG

Beginning Spanish II, 3580:102, ModLang, TAG

Intro to Criminal Justice, 3800:100, Criminal Justice, TAG & CTAG

Introduction to Corrections, 3800:103, Criminal Justice,  TAG

Evidence & Crim Legal Process, 3800:104, Criminal Justice, TAG

Intro to Police Studies, 3800:105, Criminal Justice, TAG

Comparative Politics, 3700:300, Global Diversity, TAG

State & Local Govt & Politics, 3700:210, Political Science, TAG

Developmental Psychology, 3750:230, PSYCHOLOGY, TAG

Dynamics of Personality, 3750:335, PSYCHOLOGY, TAG

Social Psychology, 3750:340, PSYCHOLOGY, TAG

Abnormal Psychology, 3750:420, PSYCHOLOGY, TAG

Psychology of Adulthood & Aging, 3750:475, PSYCHOLOGY, TAG

Human Relations, 2040:240, Social Science, OTM

American Urban Society, 2040:242, Social Science, OTM

Survey of Basic Economics, 2040:247, Social Science, OTM

Human Cultures, 3230:150, Social Science, OTM & TAG

Introduction to Archaeology, 3240:100, Social Science, OTM & TAG

Introduction to Economics, 3250:100, Social Science, OTM

Principles of Microeconomics, 3250:200, Social Science, OTM & TAG

Introduction Economic Analysis, 3250:244, Social Science, OTM

Introduction to Geography, 3350:100, Social Science, OTM

Government & Politics in US, 3700:100, Social Science, OTM & TAG

World Politics & Government, 3700:150, Social Science, OTM & TAG

Introduction to Psychology, 3750:100, Social Science, OTM & TAG

Technology & Human Values, 2040:241, Social Science/Complex Systems, OTM

Death & Dying, 2040:244, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM

The Black Experience 1619-1877, 2040:254, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM

Diversity in American Society, 2040:256, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM

U.S. History to 1877, 3400:250, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM & TAG

U.S. History Since 1877, 3400:251, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM & TAG

Introduction to Sociology, 3850:100, Social Science/Domestic Diversity, OTM & TAG

Contemporary Global Issues, 2040:243, Social Science/Global Diversity, OTM

Social Problems, 3850:310, Sociology, TAG

The Family, 3850:340, Sociology, TAG

Race & Ethnic Relations, 3850:421, Sociology, TAG