Retroactive Grading Basis Change (letter grade to credit/no credit) for Spring 2021 Undergraduate Courses
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ will implement a credit/no credit (CR/NCR) policy for undergraduate courses for the spring semester 2021.
Beginning May 12, 2021, students will be able to submit a change of grading basis form electronically for each course where a change to CR/NCR is desired. Students should carefully review their final grades before submitting a change of grading basis request. For undergraduate courses, an earned grade of A through C- would be changed to Credit (CR) and a grade of D+ through F would be changed to No Credit (NCR). In the case of general education courses, an earned grade of D+, D or D- will earn credit for the course, but a grade of No Credit (NCR) will not earn credit for the course. For spring semester 2021, some undergraduate courses have been identified as ineligible for a grading basis change and are listed here. Students enrolled in ineligible courses will be notified by the instructor and/or academic department.
Any student interested in requesting a change in grading basis retroactively for one or more spring 2021 undergraduate courses must complete the credit/no credit change form in its entirety and submit it the Office of the University Registrar at from a valid University email account ( or The form may be completed and signed electronically.
Requests for CR/NCR will be accepted by the University Registrar through 5:00pm, Friday, May 28, 2021. After this deadline, changes may not be reversed, and no additional requests will be accepted.
Considerations and Questions
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their instructors, advisors, and other university resources regarding the consequences of a shift to the CR/NCR grading basis for grade point average, degree progress, curricula with minimum grade requirements, potential graduate study, and financial aid eligibility. Students must be aware of the grades that are considered passing as program requirements may differ across campus.
What if I am a College Credit Plus or Early College High School student?
Before choosing the Credit/No Credit grading option, please consult with your high school counselor and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½advisor regarding the impact on both your high school and college transcripts.
How might changing to Credit/No Credit affect my Financial Aid?
Please consult with a Student Financial Aid counselor before submitting a request form. Contact options include telephone, live chat and one-on-one appointment. Call the Customer Support Service Center any time at (330) 972-7032 or (800) 621-3847. More information about how the Credit/No Credit option can affect your financial aid is also available on the .
Will changing to Credit/No Credit affect my eligibility for President's and/or Dean's List?
According to University Rule 3359-20-05.1, only letter-graded credit-bearing courses are considered when determining inclusion on the President's List, Dean's List, Part-Time President's List, and Part-Time Dean's List. If a student chooses to change one or more letter-graded courses to the Credit/No Credit grading basis, that student may no longer be eligible for these acknowledgements.
What if I have an Incomplete?
A grade of Incomplete assigned for a spring 2021 course may be switched to the Credit/No Credit grading basis by the request deadline of May 28, 2021. Upon completion of the course, any student making this change will receive a final grade of Credit or No Credit. If coursework is not completed, the grade of Incomplete will lapse to No Credit.
What if my question is not addressed here?
Please direct questions pertaining to your academic record to your academic advisor and instructor(s), as appropriate. General questions may be directed to the Office of the University Registrar at or 330-972-8300.
Which courses are ineligible for a grading basis change to CR/NCR?
- 2030:216 - Applied Finite Mathematics
- 2030:461 - Applied Cryptanalysis
- 5200:319 - Integrated Expressive Arts in Primary Grades
- 5200:325 - Early Childhood Inclusive Practicum
- 5200:333 - Science for Primary Teachers
- 5200:340 - Developmental Writing and Digital Literacies in Inclusive Early
- 5200:352 - Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Primary Settings
- 5200:453 - Building Understanding in Early Childhood Settings
- 5200:454 - Inquiry Learning in Primary Inclusive Settings
- 5250:300 - Middle Level Education
- 5250:338 - Teaching Social Studies to Middle Childhood
- 5250:342 - Teaching Math to Middle Level Learners
- 5250:351 - Modes of Writing for the Middle Grades
- 5300:303 - Global Education & Technology
- 5300:320 - Introduction to Teaching in the Content Area
- 5300:330 - Teaching Adolescent/Middle Level Literature
- 5300:420 - Instructional Techniques in Secondary Education
- 5300:421 - Instructional Techniques in Secondary Education II
- 5500:308 - Instructional Design and Assessment
- 5500:430 - Clinical Teaching I
- 5500:431 - Clinical Teaching II
- 5500:439 - Engineering for Educators
- 5500:440 - Literacy in the Content Areas
- 5500:445 - Assessment and Instruction in Literacy
- 5500:456 - Scaffolding Language and Content Learning for English Learners
- 5500:458 - Inclusive Field Experience
- 5610:380 - Math Methods: Special Education
- 5610:430 - Honors Research Project: Special Education
- 5610:448 - Individuals with Moderate/Intensive Educational Needs: Characteristics and Implications
- 5610:450 - Special Education Programming for Primary Teachers
- 5610:452 - Special Education Programming: Secondary/Transition
- 5610:453 - Special Education Programming: Moderate/Intensive I
- 5610:454 - Special Education Programming: Moderate/Intensive II
- 5610:456 - Inclusive Field Experience: Moderate/Intensive
- 5610:457 - Special Education Programming: Mild/Moderate II
- 5610:463 - Assessment in Special Education
- 5610:467 - Management Strategies in Special Education
- 5610:470 - Clinical Practicum in Special Education
- 7100:105 - Introduction to Art Education
- 7100:412 - Student Teaching Colloquium
- 7100:424 - Middle School Materials & Techniques
- 7100:430 - Professional Practices for Creative Careers
- 7500:102 - Introduction to Music Education
- 7500:255 - String Methods II
- 7500:277 - Clarinet & Saxophone Methods
- 7500:305 - Marching Band: Organization & Tech
- 7500:307 - Techniques of Jazz Ensemble Performance & Direction
- 7500:315 - Equity and Excellence in Music Education
- 7500:340 - Teaching General Music II
- 7500:341 - Jr High/Middle School Choral Methods
- 7500:346 - Flute & Double Reed Methods
- 7500:443 - Instrumental Practicum
- 7500:492 - Student Teaching Colloquium
- 8200:xxx - all courses offered by the School of Nursing