Spring Semester 2020 Late Special Credit/No Credit Grading Basis Change Information
Update for May 15, 2020
Late Special Grading Basis Change Requests
In response to the move to online course delivery because of the COVID-19 pandemic, working together, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½’s Office of Academic Affairs and Faculty Senate Executive Committee determined that each Spring 2020 full 15-week, 2nd 8-week, and 3rd 5-week session class, regardless of original instruction mode, was eligible for a change in grading basis. The change to the special Credit/No Credit grading basis was to be made between Monday, April 6, 2020, and Sunday, May 3, 2020. The special Credit/No Credit (CRX/NCX) grading basis applied to spring 2020 enrollment only and did not apply to any enrollment in a previous term for which an Incomplete (I) or an In Progress (IP) was granted.
Considering student progress, the unique characteristics of each online teaching and learning environment, and overall circumstances, the Office of Academic Affairs and Faculty Senate Executive Committee are permitting instructors-of-record of undergraduate- and graduate-level courses to consider late grading basis changes. The late grading basis change may be from CRX/NCX back to letter grade or from letter grade to CRX/NCX.
If a student wishes to request a late grading basis change, they initiate the process by completing the Late Grading Basis Change Request form and submitting it electronically to their instructor from their ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½email account no later than 4:30pm, Tuesday, May 26, 2020. An instructor will have until 4:30pm, Monday, June 1, 2020, to notify the student and the Office of the University Registrar of request approval or denial. If a student does not receive notification from their instructor, they may seek assistance from the Office of the University Registrar at registrar@uakron.edu prior to 4:30pm, Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
If an instructor denies the change request, a student will have the option of appealing the instructor’s decision only once with either the academic department chairperson, academic school director or the dean of the college in which the course resides. The final appeal must be made no later than 4:30pm, Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
The decision of either the department chair, school director or dean will be final. All appeal adjudications must be made by 5:00pm, Friday, June 5, 2020.
Grading basis changes will not be permitted once a spring 2020 degree has been posted.
Be sure to download the Late Grading Basis Change Request form and use Adobe Acrobat or Reader to fill and sign.
Spring Semester 2020 Special Credit/No Credit (CRX/NCX) Grading Basis Information
From the March 20th edition of Zipmail
For the spring 2020 semester, which moved to online course delivery on March 30, the University will change its practice regarding the option to take courses on a special Credit/No Credit (CRX/NCX) basis.
Students in courses that have moved online on March 30 will have until the end of the last day of instruction, May 3, 2020, to decide to take one or more of their spring 2020 courses for CRX/NCX instead of a grade.
Electing the option of CRX/NCX this semester will not count toward the University’s limit on the choice of regular CR/NCR per student.
Guidance for Undergraduate and Graduate Students:
Each full 15-week, 2nd 8-week, and 3rd 5-week session class for which you are currently enrolled, regardless of original instruction mode, is eligible for a change in grading basis. The change to the special Credit/No Credit grading basis must be made between Monday, April 6, 2020, and Sunday, May 3, 2020.
The special Credit/No Credit (CRX/NCX) grading basis is applicable to spring 2020 enrollment only. It does not apply to any enrollment in a previous term for which an Incomplete (I) or an In Progress (IP) was granted.
Changing the grading basis is a simple Enrollment Edit in the Student Center of MyAkron. You may change your mind as many times as necessary. Your final decision must be made by 11:59pm on Sunday, May 3, 2020.
The decision to change the grading basis of your class(es) should be given careful consideration. You may wish to consult your academic advisor or instructor for advice. It is important to remember that a letter grade impacts your GPA, while CRX and NCX do not.
For undergraduate classes, if you elect the special Credit/No Credit grading basis and your earned letter grade is C- or better, you will be awarded Credit (CRX). With the same grading basis selection, if your earned letter grade is D+ or lower, you will be awarded No Credit (NCX). Again, in either case, the Credit or No Credit will not impact your GPA.
Graduate School support of credit/no-credit grading: We will support programs which better understand their needs with respect to accreditation, licensure, etc. The Graduate School will not make any decisions regarding course grading. We will support the decisions of the programs with the content expertise.
How might taking Credit/No Credit affect your financial aid?
Any class for which you elect the special Credit/No Credit grading basis and are awarded Credit (CRX), the class(es) will fulfill applicable degree requirements and pre-requisites as well as count toward cumulative credit hours. In other words, you may elect the special Credit/No Credit basis for general education, major, and minor requirements, for spring 2020 only.
If you find yourself happy with your letter grade in a class as you near the end of the semester and would be happy with its impact on your GPA, it would not be in your favor to change the grading basis.
If you elect the special Credit/No Credit grading basis for any of your spring 2020 classes, rest assured that the special nature of a grade of CRX or NCX will be outlined in the legend of the University’s official academic transcript. Most colleges and universities across the country are taking similar steps to ensure that transcript recipients will understand the exceptional circumstances of this semester well into the future.
Changing the Grading Basis in MyAkron:
Please remember that all grading basis changes must be made between Monday, April 6, 2020, and 11:59pm, Sunday, May 3, 2020. No exceptions.
- Log in to with your UAnet ID and password.
- Navigate to Student Center.
- Click Enroll.
- Click the Edit tab.
- Select 2020 Spring for the desired career.
- Click Continue.
- Choose the desired class from the dropdown menu.
- Click Proceed To Step 2 Of 3.
- Select Special Credit/No Credit from the Grading dropdown menu.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish Editing.
- Repeat steps 4 through 11 for any additional classes.
Guidance for Law Students:
The School of Law changed the grading basis of all spring 2020 classes to Credit/No Credit (CRX/NCX). No further action is necessary.
Related Academic Policies:
For spring 2020 only, to receive a new grade of CRX or NCX, a student may repeat a course in which the previously received grade was C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NCR.
For spring 2020 only, to secure a CRX, a student may repeat a course in which the previously received grade was C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NCR.
For spring 2020 only, all limitations (sections 2, 4, and 5) are suspended.
Additional Questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact your academic advisor, instructor, academic department, or the Office of the University Registrar with any additional questions.