Noncredit Courses and Programs Offered Online

We offer an array of high-quality learning opportunities through leading-edge digital platforms such as Coursera (new!) and Ed2Go. If you are seeking new job skills, changing careers, re-entering the workforce, or preparing for a certification, we offer an online noncredit course or certificate relevant to your needs. If you are an employer seeking to upskill your workforce, contact us at learn@uakron.edu to discuss new opportunities. 


PHONE: 330-972-7577

Career Training and Certificate Programs through Ed2Go

We partner with Ed2Go to offer over 100 online career training programs. These programs can start you on a path to an in-demand profession. You can begin these programs any time and learn at your own pace. Upon successful completion of all coursework, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Programs are available in the following areas:

Short Courses

Ed2Go also offers over 300 short courses, starting at $109 each. Short courses begin the 3rd Wednesday of the month, and lessons are released on Wednesday and Friday each week for 6 weeks. There is a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take for personal and professional development.

Subjects include:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Computer Applications
  • Personal Development
  • Writing and Publishing
  • and more...