Competitive grant to produce a race-themed short film for Rethinking Race 2024

Owen Pinion in the Z-TV control room during "The College Tour" filming.
Anthony Samangy, professor in the Myers School of Art and its graphic design area co-coordinator, joins Juan E. Contreras, professor of practice in the School of Communication and general manager of Z-TV, in developing a competitive grant for students to produce a race-themed short film for Rethinking Race 2024.
They are seeking submissions for a $4,000 grant to be awarded to a student team interested and capable of completing a short film during the 2023-24 Academic Year.
"The winning team will be awarded financing to film, produce and distribute a short film on a topic of race.," said Contreras. "The film can be any genre in fiction or documentary. The students will have assistance from faculty advisors as well as professional industry consultants in film and video production to help them along the way."
- Students must be enrolled full-time at the University but do not need to be art or communication students, they can be from any college on campus.
- Cannot graduate prior to May 2024
- Students must be of at least junior standing on July 1, 2023
- Current GPA is minimally a 3.0
What the committee is seeking
- An ambitious group of students (minimally 3 full-time University of Akron students)
- Students who have an exceptional idea for a race themed short film
- Students who are passionate storytellers
- Students who are organized and thoughtful
- Students who have a plan and know how to see this film to completion
What is needed from students who are submitting
- Student names and student ID#’s
- A logline
- A Film Synopsis for a 5 min (maximum) short film
- The genre of film
- Moodboards and visualization
- A breakdown of how the budget will be spent
- A Schedule of Completion with a due date set for screening the film at Rethinking Race 2024 (February 26, 2024)
- A recommendation letter from a faculty member of UA
How to submit and a timeline
Complete this once all parts are ready for submission.
- Submission due date: May 15, 2023
- Notification for award: June 1, 2023
- Start of Pre-Production: July 1, 2023
- Date of final film completion: Rethinking Race 2024 (February 26, 2024)