New ad campaign centered on UA's 'Energy of Innovation'


The University has launched a new advertising and marketing campaign that gives the community an inside look at the innovative spirit that drives research, learning and discovery at Akron.

Nearly 3,600 votes were cast by students, faculty, staff and the community to choose which of three ads would air during the Super Bowl. Here's the top vote-getter. View all three at the .

Each year, a new television commercial is unveiled to Northeast Ohio viewers of the Super Bowl, "kicking off" the advertising campaign. This year, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½gave the campus community and the public a chance to select the spot that aired during the Feb. 5 game from among the three produced to air in rotation on various television stations throughout the year.

The winner?

The ad featuring new University of Akron research that has created a contact lens specifically for diabetics warning them of high blood sugar levels and a revolutionary nanofiber bandage that may help wounds heal faster was the #1 vote-getter.

UA's "Energy of Innovation" advertising and marketing campaign highlights research that is improving lives and positively impacting the environment, discoveries that can truly change the world. A new website has been launched to highlight these areas of innovation, along with print, radio, social media and television ads. The website will be dynamic, continuing to feature innovative research and programs across the University.

Billboard One of the billboards in the Energy of Innovation campaign calls attention the research of Dr. Ali Dhinojwala, who is working with others to develop a glueless adhesive system, similar to that found on the feet of geckos. Read about the research.

Focus on research and discovery at UA

Each of the three spots features President Dr. Luis M. Proenza asking a key question: “What is the energy of innovation?” Then, every commercial highlights two different areas of research and discovery.

President Luis M. Proenza is interviewed about the new "Energy of Innovation" campaign on WKYC-TV's "Good Company by Joe Cronauer.

"We are excited about what we do here, and we think the public will be fascinated by learning more about what makes ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ innovative. The Super Bowl advertising 'contest' is our way of inviting people to learn, and to tell us which discovery most interests them by choosing the commercial they like best," said Wayne Hill, associate vice president and chief marketing officer at UA.

"The entire campaign, including broadcast, print and Web-based marketing, showcases our dynamic learning environment and helps the community understand why ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ is a regional and national leader in innovation," Hill said.

Visit the University's Energy of Innovation website.

Media contact: Laura Massie, 330-972-6476 or massie1@uakron.edu.