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We strongly encourage members of our student teaching teams to engage in conversations using the attached questions. NOTES: Depending on previous individual experiences or the current experience, some questions may not be relevant. Review the questions in advance and plan to spend about an hour together discussing these items. Remember that differences of opinions are inevitable; differences are O.K. and perfectly normal. Effective co-teachers learn and grow professionally from their work together. Competent professional skills, openness and interest in working together are more important than perfect agreement. What are your expectations for students regarding: Participation? Daily preparation? Written assignments and/or homework completion What are your basic classroom rules? What are the consequences? Typically, how are students grouped for instruction in your classroom? What instructional methods do you like to use? (i.e. lecture, class discussions) What practice activities do you like to use? (i.e. cooperative learning groups, labs)? How do you monitor and evaluate student progress? Describe your typical tests and quizzes. Describe other typical projects and assignments. Do you differentiate instruction for students with different needs? If so, how? Is any special assistance given to students with disabilities during class? On written assignments? On tests and quizzes? How and when do you communicate with families? What are your strengths as a teacher? What are your pet peeves? What do you see as our roles and responsibilities as co-teachers? What are your biggest hopes for us working as a team? Adapted from Walter-Thomas,C. & Bryant, M. (1996) Planning for Effective Co-Teaching I have the following expectations in the classroom: regarding discipline regarding classwork regarding use and storage of materials regarding homework regarding planning for instruction regarding modifications for individual students regarding grading regarding noise level regarding cooperative learning regarding giving and receiving feedback other important expectations I have: Adapted from Murawski, W.W., & Dieker, L.A. (2004). Tips and Strategies for Co-Teaching at the Secondary Level. !"B^_` * C F O ^ t u    ó{ndndnWnWnWnWnWMdhhOJQJ^Jhb@hhOJQJ^JhAOJQJ^Jhb@hbwcOJQJ^Jhb@hb@CJ$aJ$hw5>5C$ϴ$bɳ5C$ϴ$b5Cϴbb5Cϴ<'P5CJOJQJaJhb@5CJOJQJaJhh5CJ,OJQJaJ,hbwch'jh<'PUmHnHu"D_`   B C /  & FgdhgdbwcgdA$a$gdhgdh$a$gdbwc  . / ijwi[J hb@hb@CJOJQJ^JaJh<'PCJOJQJ^JaJhhCJOJQJ^JaJhb@hbwcOJQJ^Jhb@hhOJQJ^J hRehACJOJQJ^JaJ hRehhCJOJQJ^JaJ hRehbwcCJOJQJ^JaJ hRehReCJOJQJ^JaJhhOJQJ^Jhb@hAOJQJ^JhAOJQJ^JhReOJQJ^J >?tuvUVgd-( & Fgd-(gdh & Fgdh & Fgdhtuv.OQ&'(νΝp#hb@hb@6CJOJQJ^JaJh<'POJQJ^J h<'Phb@CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h<'Phb@5CJ OJQJ^JaJ hb@CJOJQJ^JaJ hb@hb@CJOJQJ^JaJh<'PCJOJQJ^JaJhb@hb@OJQJ^Jhb@OJQJ^Jhb@h-(OJQJ^J./IJQRghi}~h^hgdb@ & Fgdb@$a$gdb@gdb@ & Fgd-(gd-(&'(>?@_`a&gdb@ & Fgdb@&'(gdb@21h:p<'P/ =!"#$% n%}y 6ٍ,Dc79|;PNG  IHDRJ?nPLTEe}ZZZ)))I+ksss:::RRR;Xcu1x甤\JJJTr333fff!!!{{{̌fff9Lڙ T"3YaoJZBBB/C|` XJd4q*iR'Az"dn} \.H~XRg#;tyZs=RWazC`!c!-k,l1n+JϞŶ甠ms1N$@x S8rATIYj'=v"c&0mBMZ@ZS`2o-,.̈́tRNS8KgbKGDHgIFg>U cmPPJCmp0712Hs IDAThCZ +)H +X#|\ !McB)I @:MҴKw׻ aWGow9ohc"4EC{g̯+(3>,́±9Ʀ̘!υC.륑1_౱|[yqͲ<;0x|bxjڂZu~jUAjWV*ɾM%pz6ivAČ&gI>#^nn7zeba%p5isi1)vp|2`V0 AΰZ\DBu曶)Zێx efb)"."vHZgcju^ĬULg4wyv…b Μµَ.*~Sa2 ]c_}xW|/n}poni8v}q6c`G \Iw_d?lZ:glid# i_.͘8oCE:QKvZb{{uK/8qfnB\2ab|j |'X#3d?oLtŹ1"S`r3fz9 A>l5:'Zqe?PnǬ˕j}!KM!CvhJ=}- fj\$t'+<&$K2.L뽨g-r_?V|)cFjɈaΗ;iyBL89ƐX yw3KWQs#Ϫ_C 5TY:wB{Cj끝eU\^5uӬ{*\6nu#9^?,-zDJ0b%S9* 'S9Q<0%17j\̡>ktYP%KTď.&UZ3i0'Ǿ` l+PǕh "ZV^J^P0!)3TU f-~ AQdq%$N)m;*vPRӢZG ᥥ(gTW9" &F|q ]IU5Cjc `=_j)l ȋ"K\&JmB_cyp,o,\.Wqޝ*p.vv**"1iz4BfÌ(X`x Llݮ'Wv\+zDȘLC'"v[xӣ'|#E<ֺM~|GD*_I8xW0,pzt4o"æWmox^֟kO ޥ]S8(R(ŹsS ԉXE8=VL{KVPڏs~6Qg70h/p aeOн*;H=}V멓}py}s_OAbs&7@DmæuW,5=X|DbF2apo_뜼y /m&v12 @C eÌ®3!:$t(:x:)0 lNpxV)J<|w?~΃[IvVaVf+ʊ$Hh~1FBI,eBAT=4S6xJT⫺ZWo\ꯧx}%eߧReYW_6Y O"scGY+T_RQrQiLg><\WbɈt-kg7N=@R=Аn嶝$i M:_P`šm1Pj6]]1ށ(nr &&xmsgFvi[X"q3 #}lٱw\_]-kA[k$ T>;8Sљm~c)l<ν-slmuGlR<enMpks:3۹,plxl?Q|ZKQ,Q3E 6xLV|P+n(ДugH(lJ1!8A4'f0[F5doxz"y L7y YŶX{ ޔ\l~ߏfc,p7rhf[?< $,+RhPL'!IzIp%/Nlykvx3!d3m ں6 n(NnąbBkTw9E!ѓ}8~8Vs*iWtƳвo}Uha׋!(u)X۾Z9Ǥ?@ {JZvLBY^HaQEtq2JIb,t"GIZkZ fw>K+ko_հ9aGdu8p6e39?9xܦU?soMj$VA2=qZaq"ca bz~?qEcBP`{=-rW܉2 !*Oe{{dMG:Yq x1>=9TÄʊW5%]kf("񱱧8jBޜ y`HIJTESxzRq;IfrrF^q18MWHR=:1)؞kϻeII9OF (;CۜS:[k?U-mX8Nܥ:nYq(ͤwiL'xvN\=QZ$oDQ0T@rs>Emyn9]&>>nAeC)Pl>z[ˆMW 3#I,Vd#!V>w<,5߿q'6nl\p8S"]6Ki'8107k|Cy7b]^?SJIENDB`2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1g'}ʅ$I1Ê9cY<;*v7'aE\h>=,*8;*4?±ԉoAߤ>82*<")QHxK |]Zz)ӁMSm@\&>!7;ɱʋ3װ1OC5VD Xa?p S4[NS28;Y[꫙,T1|n;+/ʕj\\,E:! t4.T̡ e1 }; [z^pl@ok0e g@GGHPXNT,مde|*YdT\Y䀰+(T7$ow2缂#G֛ʥ?q NK-/M,WgxFV/FQⷶO&ecx\QLW@H!+{[|{!KAi `cm2iU|Y+ ި [[vxrNE3pmR =Y04,!&0+WC܃@oOS2'Sٮ05$ɤ]pm3Ft GɄ-!y"ӉV . `עv,O.%вKasSƭvMz`3{9+e@eՔLy7W_XtlPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!!Z!theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ'( theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]# ( & (  &( l,b$}y 6ٍ,Dc79|;-4&@~( ltnc ltnc    S AR 0http://www.uakron.edu/images/ua_logo.gifThe University of Akron#"  B S  ?( h} T * DG@CbjbeGJKL R [ i r    ( 1 @ I a j % * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::,[k<5 0|dQ] ^`OJQJo( 8^8`OJQJo(^`OJQJ^Jo(o  p^ `OJQJo(  @ ^ `OJQJo( x^x`OJQJo(H^H`OJQJ^Jo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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