Brightspace Exams for University of Akron Students
- Please note that all ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½testing centers work closely together to coordinate exam delivery. Staff on main campus are all part of the same department and reporting structure.
- Faculty interested in having all Brightspace exams for a course proctored in a testing location should contact (CBAE) at the beginning of the semester. Students can either register for an appointment online through , or walk-in. Students with accommodations are encouraged to schedule through to ensure booking distraction-reduced testing room, if applicable.
- It is the responsibility of faculty to incorporate time extensions into Brightspace testing, which can be done through the classlist so no additional steps need taken on the specific exams. Any further accommodation questions should be directed to the in Simmons Hall 105, 330-972-7928.
- The Counseling & Testing Center – Testing Services (CTC-TS) offers individual make-up and accommodated Brightspace testing only for courses that are not testing in Computer Based Assessment & Evaluation. CTC-TS does not have the capacity to proctor large group computer-based testing.
- Students without accommodations must schedule an appointment for make-up testing by calling 330-972-7084 or emailing
- Students with testing accommodations should submit a test request through STARS at .
- Faculty must submit a proctor sheet for any student without accommodations testing in CTC-TS so we are aware of your expectations for each test. Proctoring instructions for students with accommodations are completed through STARS.
- For Brightspace exams, please set the IP address range [IP Restriction (IPv4)] to include the following three ranges to allow access in Main and Wayne College testing locations. If the IP address range is not restricted, please set a password and provide to staff.
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- Please be sure to include specific information about required testing location (Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation in Schrank Hall; Counseling & Testing Center in Simmons Hall; Office of Accessibility in Simmons Hall; do not use general terms such as “test center” unless you have set up an exam to be taken at any location) and dates on your syllabus, as staff in each office will refer to students to your syllabus to direct to the testing location. In the absence of this information, we will attempt to contact faculty.
- If you require assistance setting up or modifying Brightspace testing, or have questions about Respondus Monitor (record and review exam delivery, not proctored in testing centers) please contact .
- Faculty for fully online or hybrid courses (using Respondus for testing online) may allow students to take exams in CBAE or CTC if preferred. Please follow instructions for setting up testing at CBAE and CTC if you want to provide this option.
Testing Services Counseling & Testing Center