Premala Tara Jones, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Premala Tara Jones, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Title: Psychologist
Dept/Program: Counseling & Testing Center
Phone: (330) 972-7082
Email: ptjones@uakron.edu


Premala Tara Jones, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) is a licensed Psychologist. She received her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Kent State University. She completed her internship at the Counseling and Testing Center at the University of Akron and carried out her post-doctorate residency in Health Psychology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, main campus. She has worked for several years as a psychologist in both community and private practice settings. Her professional interests include, holistic health psychology, integration of spirituality, functional nutrition, diversity, trauma, anxiety, depression, first generation and non-traditional college students. In addition, Dr. Jones has research and training interests in diversity, anxiety management, grief and loss, reproductive loss, and compassion fatigue. Highlights of her research interests in the aforementioned areas include the co-development of curriculum on reproductive loss for psychiatric residents, university counseling programs, and private clinicians. Additionally, she has presented at national and regional conferences on reproductive loss, parenting, self-care, and compassion fatigue. Premala enjoys time involved with her faith, family, friends, reading, outdoors activities and household projects.