Natacha L. Keramidas, Ph.D (she/her/hers)

Natacha L. Keramidas, Ph.D (she/her/hers)

Title: Psychologist
Dept/Program: Counseling & Testing Center
Phone: (330) 972-7082
Email: nlk16@uakron.edu


Natacha L. Keramidas, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) is a Staff Psychologist and the Outreach Coordinator. She completed her doctorate in Counseling Psychology at the University of Akron and her APA accredited doctoral internship in Health Service Psychology at the Counseling and Testing Center at the University of Akron. Her theoretical orientation is integrative, a combination of cognitive-behavioral, positive psychology and multicultural therapy. Her clinical interests include positive psychology, anxiety and college students’ wellbeing, career exploration issues, as well as international student issues and acculturation. Her research interests include mentoring, international students and women experiences. Natacha is the faculty advisor to the Women in Psychology student organization and is certified as a Mental Health First Aid trainer. Outside the office Natacha is an experienced traveler (and lived in 4 countries and 5 states), an avid reader, enjoys knitting, baking, and spending time with family and friends.