Dr. Zarreen Farooqi
Title: Professor
Program: Computer Information Systems
Office: Polsky M185-L
Phone: 330-972-8858
Email: zarreen@uakron.edu
Dr. Farooqi has extensive research experience and joined the faculty of the Department of Business Technology - Computer Information Systems, CAST, and the University of Akron in Fall 1999. He is a Professor of Computer Information Systems and is a Life Senior Member, IEEE.
Professional Affiliations
- IEEE (Computer Society, Control Systems Society, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Signal Processing Society)
- Society for Mathematical Biology
Systems and Controls, Physiological Modeling, Epidemiology
Most Quoted Papers
Farooqi, Z.H. and Aboul-Enein, H.Y., 1999, "The Theoretical Study on the Structure of Cyclohexylaminoglutethimide: A Potent Aromatase Inhibitor. Comparison of the Three Configurations of the Cyclohexyl Moiety," Archive der Pharmazie, 332.81-84.
Farooqi, Z.H. and Aboul-Enein, H.Y., 1996, "The IR and UV/Vis Spectra of Propranolol and Some Fluorinated Derivatives: Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Values," Biospectroscopy, 2: 131-141.
Farooqi, Z.H. and Mohler, R.R., 1989, "Distribution Models of Recirculating Lymphocytes," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME-36(3): 355-362.
- Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Oregon State University
- M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Oregon State University
Programming Logic, Computer Languages (Python, C++, C#, Java, VB), Ethics & Law in IT, Applied Data Mining, Data Communications and Networking, CIS Programming Capstone Projects