The George W. Daverio School of Accountancy

The George W. Daverio School of Accountancy at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ´«Ã½ provides students with the educational background to become competent and responsible accounting professionals. With a rich history of (i) accounting education that serves both traditional and non-traditional students and (ii) close relationships with the professional community in Northern Ohio, we emphasize undergraduate and masters-level education with an applied focus. The School offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy, a Master of Science in Accountancy, and a Master of Taxation.


Julianne Jones, JD,MTax,CPA

Julianne Jones, JD,MTax,CPA
Title: Director, Professor of Practice
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-8563
Email: jbb14@uakron.edu

Accountancy - Full Time Faculty

Kevin Brennan, MBA

Kevin Brennan, MBA
Title: Assistant Professor of Practice
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-8446
Email: brennan@uakron.edu

Melanie McCoskey, Ph.D., CPA

Melanie McCoskey, Ph.D., CPA
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-6930
Email: mmccoskey@uakron.edu

Thaddeus Neururer, Ph.D.

Thaddeus Neururer, Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-6088
Email: tneururer@uakron.edu

Bo Ren, Ph.D.

Bo Ren, Ph.D.
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-4123
Email: bren@uakron.edu

Mark Welfley, MBA

Mark Welfley, MBA
Title: Associate Professor of Practice
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-6901
Email: mmw20@uakron.edu

Tom Hammond, MSA, MBA, CMA

Tom Hammond, MSA, MBA, CMA
Title: Associate Professor of Practice
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-4107
Email: tmh84@uakron.edu

Doron Narotzki, S.J.D, LL.M

Doron Narotzki, S.J.D, LL.M
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-6912
Email: dnarotzki@uakron.edu

Ernest (Gang) Pan, Ph.D.

Ernest (Gang) Pan, Ph.D.
Title: Visiting Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-4279
Email: gpan@uakron.edu

Li Wang, Ph.D., CPA, ABV, CMA

Li Wang, Ph.D., CPA, ABV, CMA
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: (330) 972-6606
Email: lw37@uakron.edu

Accountancy - Staff

Tamara Meers
Title: Administrative & Student Support Specialist
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy / Undergraduate Programs
Phone: (330) 972-7588
Email: tmeers@uakron.edu

Accountancy - Part Time Faculty

Anthony Berni, MTax, CPA

Anthony Berni, MTax, CPA
Title: Tax Partner, EY; Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: Daverio School of Accountancy Advisory Board

Ronald D. DiMattia, CPA/ABV, CM

Ronald D. DiMattia, CPA/ABV, CM
Title: Assistant Lecturer
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Richard B. Fry III, JD, MTax

Richard B. Fry III, JD, MTax
Title: Partner, Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC; Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Phone: 330.258.6423
Email: rfry@bdblaw.com

Dan Griffith, JD, CEPA

Dan Griffith, JD, CEPA
Title: Senior Vice President, Director of Wealth Strategy, Huntington Private Bank; Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Michael Humphrey

Michael Humphrey
Title: Managing Director, Forensic Services, KPMG & Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

William Nolan

William Nolan
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Email: wnolan@uakron.edu

Troy Stairwalt

Troy Stairwalt
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Carol Szczepanik, JD, LL.M

Carol Szczepanik, JD, LL.M
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Email: szczepa@uakron.edu

Richard W. Burke, JD

Richard W. Burke, JD
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Email: rwburke@uakron.edu

Peter Dorff

Peter Dorff
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Tim Gerspacher, MTax, CPA

Tim Gerspacher, MTax, CPA
Title: Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers & Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: Daverio School of Accountancy, Daverio School of Accountancy Advisory Board

Anne Marie Griffith

Anne Marie Griffith
Title: Vice President, Senior Trust Advisor, PNC Wealth Management; Part-Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy; Department of Finance Advisory Board
Email: amg19@uakron.edu

Robert Malone, JD

Robert Malone, JD
Title: Partner, Buckingham Doolittle & Burroughs
Dept/Program: Department of Finance Advisory Board; GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Jonathan Penwell

Jonathan Penwell
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy

Jon Stefanik, JD

Jon Stefanik, JD
Title: Part Time Faculty
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Email: jrs32@uakron.edu

Garrison Ure, MTax, CPA

Garrison Ure, MTax, CPA
Title: Special Agent - Computer Investigative Specialist, IRS-CI
Dept/Program: GW Daverio School of Accountancy
Email: gwure@uakron.edu

Total results: 18